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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2003
SF Bay Area / Miami FL
I was wondering if any of you know of any good commercial email programs that can send html/text emails and that can manage reasonably sized lists?
I'm a web designer and i have some clients that need email broadcasts from time to time. I know of some programs on Windows but would rather just not have to switch computers.
[edit]By commercial email i mean bulk email lists with a couple of thousand subscribers, a program that can handle sending emails, disconnecting after a cetain number are sent, handling unsubscribers and bounce backs, etc.[/edit]
If you can make any suggestions it would be appreciated.

Originally posted by kingjr3
Assuming you are on OS X.

AFAIK, Mai (with Address Book) can handle all of this for you. Entourage (gasp!) can too.


not to be a jerk or anything, but i'm talking about sending out a mass email list with a couple of thousand subscribers that would need to disconnect every 99 emails sent, so my smtp server won't brand me as a spammer. also i need to be able to handle bounced back emails and unsubscribe requests.

i sincerely doubt that mail or entourage (gasp!) could handle emailing on this scope

i don't appreciate the sarcasm nor do i appreciate the condescending manner in which you wrote. if you didn't have any valid input, maybe you shouldn't have replied.
Originally posted by krimson
i think you should have put "mass email" somewhere in your original question... at least be more specific.

i can see your point, i thought by commercial email I had indicated it... but yeah definitely can see the confusion...

honestly when researching into programs i wasn't sure what to call them.... bulk email, commercial email, mass email...

that's why i posted here. i found a program but it wasn't working very well, so i thought to ask others who might know.

Originally posted by ddbean
I use a program called Max Mailer and it does exactly what you want, free demo, $39 deluxe version, runs great on OS 10.3.2.

thanks, that's a great help. i'll try it out otnite when i get back to the house
Originally posted by iLife
not to be a jerk or anything, but ...

i don't appreciate the sarcasm nor do i appreciate the condescending manner in which you wrote. if you didn't have any valid input, maybe you shouldn't have replied.

I didn't see any sarcasm nor condecension in kingjr3's reply. It seemed like a reasonable response, especially given your message as it was first posted before the edits.

Good grief. If you're asking for help, don't treat the people who are trying to help like dirt.
Originally posted by Westside guy
I didn't see any sarcasm nor condecension in kingjr3's reply. It seemed like a reasonable response, especially given your message as it was first posted before the edits.

Good grief. If you're asking for help, don't treat the people who are trying to help like dirt.
I definitely agree.
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