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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2005

I was curious if anyone subscribes to "Communication Arts". I would like some opinions before I buy a subscription for myself. :eek:

I have had a subscription to it for over 20 years but lately it has not held my interest as much Graphis or others. I still like it, just not as much.

NEOOOOO i was given a subscription to HOW as an Xmas present T_________T.

Anyway how is Graphis, I was thinking about subscribing to that magazine until Comm Arts realized that Iam not a student and shouldnt be getting the student discount.

Yeah Com Arts to me was a good magazine was good during college years well the subscription package was like Student oriented i think. It had variety of magazines I guess to look at the different fields. But now that iam on the 2 or 3 year I am loosing interesting in something they do years before, seems to be getting redundant to me. Although there is one article about Company perfomanaces was KICK ass!!! About theres more importance to finish deadlines than to put thought into them.

Just get a magazine or two read them and decide that way or go to your library if they have subscription.
I subscribe to Comm Arts and HOW and I find that Comm Arts is useful more so for it's reviewing and featured works by particular design groups and artists (an abundance of advertising however), great for inspiration. HOW I enjoy for the excellent articles, and the price point is good as well. I found PRINT to be a bit pretentious and expensive, the other two offer similar content at a better price point.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for all the feed back. Also can anyone tell me if there is a good journal or magazine focused on web design / web programming?
I love it. Their Illustration Anual is awesome. They have a lot of good advertising stuff as well. Personally I think it is well split up. The student rate was awesome, but now I am going to have to pay full price for it.
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