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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Hey all. I don't want to start another one of "those" threads, but I figured this would be the best place to get some advice.

My girlfriend is going on a three week long trip to Peru this summer, and I would like to get her a decent camera for her trip. There are a couple of things to know here- first off, she is not tech savy at all. If she were, or if I could afford the trip, I'd be taking my 5D and that would be the end of that. So basically she needs a simple-to-use P&S, that would give her some decent images. Another compounding factor is that she will be hiking and away from civilization most of the time, so the camera needs to have disposable batteries. Currently I'm looking at some the Canon A series. Does anyone have experiences with them? What about the Coolpix L series (like the L12). I'm fairly knowledgeable when it comes to true photography tools, but I haven't looked at the low- end market in a while. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
I don't have any experience with Canon's A series specifically but I do know that the PowerShots are excellent point and shoots, any of them. They're easy to use and provide great shots in any condition. If I were going where she is I'd buy a PowerShot myself.
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