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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 10, 2018
Perhaps already asked but could not find it. I have an Office 365 license through work and since I'll be going on vacation for 2 weeks I'll be taking my iPad along (not really keen on taking the company laptop).
I've installed Outlook and did the yadayada of authenticating with Microsoft Authenticator, giving the necessary permissions etc. but it's not totally clear how much control the company IT department has over my device. If I understood correctly they can manage the app itself, but not much else?
Short of asking the IT department themselves, is there a standard set of permissions and what would those be? Is there any way that I can check these myself on my device or elsewhere?

Thanks for any replies :)
If your company is installing MDM profiles on remote devices, you can review the profiles in Settings > General > VPN and Device Management. But you should review your company policies related to remote device management. The policies should make it clear what is installed and what activity and data from your mobile device is captured for company review.
If your company is installing MDM profiles on remote devices, you can review the profiles in Settings > General > VPN and Device Management. But you should review your company policies related to remote device management. The policies should make it clear what is installed and what activity and data from your mobile device is captured for company review.
Mhm, the VPN & Device Management is pretty empty. Not connected and not signed in. I assume the policies are only applied to the Outlook app then. I'm okay with that since I don't use Outlook for anything else. Thanks, very helpful :)
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