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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2004
hi all
I want to know whether application developed on mac os x is compatible to mac os 9?
I m working on qt for mac on mac os x ,i want to know whether the application developed on qt for mac os x is compatible to mac os 9.

plz give me valuable suggestions
thanx in advance


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
If the App is written in Carbon (and any additional supporting libraries are available for OS9) then the App will work on OS9 (and maybe later versions of 8). If you use Cocoa then it will definitely not work on OS9.

QT could mean 2 things here: QuickTime which should be fine for OS9 or Troll Tech's QT GUI/App toolkit. As there is no port of QT to OS9 that I am aware of then this would only run on OSX.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2003
Orlando, FL
robbieduncan said:
If the App is written in Carbon (and any additional supporting libraries are available for OS9) then the App will work on OS9 (and maybe later versions of 8). If you use Cocoa then it will definitely not work on OS9.

Just to clarify this, it has to be written in subset of Carbon, the subset supported by CarbonLib. It also has to be CFM (which requires you to get a copy of CodeWarrior because Xcode doesn't do CFM). And it is generally a pain in the arse that isn't worth it. Pretty much everything new requires 10.2+.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Rincewind42 said:
Just to clarify this, it has to be written in subset of Carbon, the subset supported by CarbonLib. It also has to be CFM (which requires you to get a copy of CodeWarrior because Xcode doesn't do CFM). And it is generally a pain in the arse that isn't worth it. Pretty much everything new requires 10.2+.
Yes, depending on which libraries/OS features you want to use -- it may not work on older OS versions, even though it is a Carbon Application.

If you want it to work in OS 9, you'll probably be stuck with basically developing a new OS 9 Carbon application.
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