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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 9, 2005
The town without George Bailey
I’m a little uncertain as to how this feature works. Apple says “turn on this option to check that cards saved in Safari AutoFill work with Apple Pay and to use those cards in Wallet.”

Does this mean that cards I add to Safari AutoFill will be automatically added to Wallet if they work with Apple Pay?

Will cards I add in Wallet be automatically added to Safari AutoFill?


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2014
I am not sure of the Safari Autofill, and cards in your Wallet. I have an Apple Card, which automatically (I believe) was loaded into the wallet when I registered it. I also manually add one other CC'd I use. When I go to a website, if it supports ApplePay, it has a button to select and it will send autofill from your wallet and send a request to confirm the purchase either on your iPhone, or iwatch.

Within system setting on your Mac you enter in the information under Wallet & Apple Pay.
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