Just to pass the time, I figured I'd start a thread so we can figure out who in the entire wide world of Macrumors has been waiting the longest with an Apple retail Store reservation for a 3G iPad and still has not yet been contacted. In order to try to make it official (not really but we can pretend), if at all possible base your data on the date/time of the email you received from Apple telling you that you were on the waiting list. If you want to add other info (which model, which Apple Store, etc.) that would be great. I'll go first:
Date: May 1st, 3:22 PM EDT
Model: 16 GB 3G
Store: Clarendon, VA (suburban Washington DC)
So...how many have me beat?
Date: May 1st, 3:22 PM EDT
Model: 16 GB 3G
Store: Clarendon, VA (suburban Washington DC)
So...how many have me beat?