The error is that "y1 redeclared as a different kind of symbol."
However *y1 is defined once and y1 is never defined only used either as y1[row] or to be passed in a function. Neither appear in the h file.
The code is first followed by the h file.
However *y1 is defined once and y1 is never defined only used either as y1[row] or to be passed in a function. Neither appear in the h file.
The code is first followed by the h file.
#include "p1640.h"
void changedir(char * object, char * date);
void get_memory(int rows, int cols);
char * makecuberoot(char * object, char* date);
char ** makedatasetlist( char *root, int num, int reads);
float * magnify(float *image, int rows, int cols,float magx, float magy);
FILE * makefilelist(char * object, char * date);
float *shift(float *image, int rows, int cols, float shiftx, float shifty);
float * slice(float * image);
void spline(float x[], float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[]);
void splint(float xa[], float ya[], float y2a[], int n, float x, float *y);
void splie2 (float x1a[], float x2a[], float **ya, int m, int n, float **y2a);
void splin2(float x1a[], float x2a[], float **ya, float **y2a, int m, int n, float r1, float r2, float *y);
float *x1, *x2, **y, **ys;
float *ys1, *y1;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
float * magedimag, *image, *icube;
int slice;
float magx, magy;
// int start_row, end_row, start_col, end_col;
int slicedelta, width, firstset, lastset,reads ;
// char *cube;
FILE *filelist;
int i, j, quad, firstslice,lastslice;
float maxmag;
float *tmpimage;
char** datasetlist, *cuberoot;
get_memory(reduced_size, reduced_size);
maxmag = 230;
if (argc != 8)
printf("input object, date, ring separation, ring width, number of first and last dataset, and number of reads on the command line\n");
slicedelta = atoi(argv[3]);
width = atoi(argv[4]);
firstset = atoi(argv[5]);
lastset = atoi(argv[6]);
reads = atoi(argv[7]);
tmpimage = (float *) calloc(imagesize, sizeof(float));
cuberoot = makecuberoot((char*)argv[1],(char*)argv[2]);
firstslice = 1 + slicedelta;
lastslice = waves - slicedelta;
system ( "rm -f magtest.fits");
for (i = firstset; i <= lastset; i = i + 100)
datasetlist = makedatasetlist(cuberoot, i, reads);
for (j = 0; j < reads - 1; j = j+ 100)
printf("%s\n", datasetlist[j]);
if ( (icube = load_simple_fits_float_data(datasetlist[j], &naxis, naxes, &ndatas) ) == NULL)
(void) stderr, fprintf(stderr, "main: load_simple_fits_float_data %s failed\n", datasetlist[j]);
return 0;
naxis = 2;
for (slice = firstslice; slice <= lastslice; slice += slice + 100)
memcpy(tmpimage, icube + (slice - firstslice)*imagesize, sizeof(float)*imagesize);
for (magx = 176; magx <= maxmag; magx += 1000)
magx = magx/175;
magedimag = magnify(tmpimage,175 ,175, magx, magx);
naxes[0] = 175*magx;
naxes[1] = 175*magx;
write_simple_fits_float_data("magtest.fits", naxis, naxes, magedimag);
} //end of slice
} // end j
free (magedimag);
free (image);
free (icube);
//free (cube);
#define fpsize 2048
#define lenslets_size 250
#define imagesize (lenslets_size*lenslets_size)
#define centersize 407
#define ctrpixel 125
#define ctrradius 10
#define low_res 25
#define high_res 67
#define magnifyfpfactor 3
#define pixelsperlenset 10.568
//lenslet rotation
#define sinr .322
#define cosr .947
#define reduced_size 175
#define mag 10.568
#define waves 23
#define no 0
#define yes 1
//#define psfdir "/extract/psfs/"
#define psfdir "/proj1640_pipeline-debug5/library/laser/psf/"
#define psf24dir "/data/psfs24/"
#define psf30dir "/data/psfs30/"
#define psfalldir "/proj1640_pipeline-debug5/library/laser/psfall/"
#define mapdir "/data/maps25/"
#define data "/DATA/"
#define filtersize 15
#define fwhm1 5
#define fwhm2 16
#define processed_data "/data/processed/"
#define sizeofcube lenslets_size*lenslets_size*waves
#define MAXAXES 3
#include "/cfitsio/include/fitsio.h"
#include "/cfitsio/include/fitsio2.h"
#include "/cfitsio/include/longnam.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
float * opencube (char *av);
float * makefilter();
long naxis;
long naxes[MAXAXES];
int ndatas;
int row, col,fpcol, fprow;
void ludcmp( float **a, int n, int *indx, float *d);
void lubksb(float **a, int n, int *indx, float b[]);
void inverse(float **a, float **b, int N);
float ** MatrixMult(float **a, float **b, int N);
float ABAT(float **a, float *b, int n);
int findlaserspots(char * infile, char * outfile);
int makelaserpsf(char * spotfile, char *infile, char * outfile);
int centroidpsfs (char * spotfile, char * psffile);
void makefilters(int* fpcols, int* fprows,float ** spots, int col, int row);
//char *laserdirectory, *cmd1, *codedirectory,*psfdirectory,*darkdirectory, *infile1, *outfile1, *spotfile1, *spotsdirectory ;
//char *cmd2, *infile2, *outfile2, *spotfile2 ;
//void spline(float x[], float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[]);
//void splint(float xa[], float ya[], float y2a[], int n, float x, float *y);
//void splie2 (float x1a[], float x2a[], float **ya, int m, int n, float **y2a);
//void splin2(float x1a[], float x2a[], float **ya, float **y2a, int m, int n, float x1, float x2, float *y);
float * load_simple_fits_float_data(char *fn, long *naxis, long *naxes, int *ndatas);
int write_simple_fits_float_data(char *fn, long naxis, long *naxes, float *dbuf);
static void printerror(const char *msg, int status);
float * load_simple_fits_float_data(char *fn, long *naxis, long *naxes, int *ndatas)
int DEBUG = 0;
fitsfile *fptr; /* fits ptr */
int status=0;
long nelem;
char cmnt[128];
float nullval = 0.0; /* fits arcanum */
int anynull = 0; /* fits arcanum */
const char *axisname[7] = { "NAXIS1", "NAXIS2", "NAXIS3",
"NAXIS4", "NAXIS5", "NAXIS6", "NAXIS7" };
int i;
float *ldbuf; /* local space */
printf("%s\n", "0");
/* Open fits file... */
if (fits_open_file(&fptr, fn, READONLY, &status)) {
printerror("load_simple_fits_float_data: fits_open_file: ", status);
return NULL;
printf("%s\n", "A");
/* get a few keywords */
/* find image dimensionality */
if (fits_read_key(fptr, TLONG, "NAXIS", naxis, cmnt, &status)) {
printerror("load_simple_fits_float_data: fits_read_key: NAXIS", status);
return NULL;
/*(void) fprintf(stderr, " NAXIS = %d\n", (int) *naxis);*/
printf("%s\n", "B");
/* find image size for as many axes as exist */
for (i=0, nelem=1; i<*naxis; i++) {
if (fits_read_key(fptr, TLONG, axisname[i], naxes+i, cmnt, &status)) {
printerror("load_simple_fits_float_data: fits_read_key:",
return NULL;
/*(void) fprintf(stderr, " %s = %d\n", axisname[i], (int) naxes[i]);*/
nelem *= naxes[i];
printf("%s\n", "b");
if (*naxis > MAXAXES) {
/*(void) fprintf(stderr, " %d axes > allowable dimensionality (%d)\n", (int) *naxis, MAXAXES);*/
return NULL;
printf("%s\n", "C");
/* (void) fprintf(stderr, " There are %d pixels in %s, %d * %d is %d\n", (int)nelem, fn,
(int)naxes[0], (int)naxes[1], (int)(naxes[0] * naxes[1])); */
/* allocate zeroed space for data in the buffer ptr ldbuf */
if ((ldbuf = (float *) calloc(nelem, sizeof(float))) == NULL) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "load_simple_fits_float_data: Out of mem for ldbuf\n");
return NULL;
if (fits_read_img(fptr, TFLOAT, (long)1, nelem, &nullval,
ldbuf, &anynull, &status)) {
printerror("load_simple_fits_float_data: fits_read_image:",
return NULL;
printf("%s\n", "E");
/* close the table */
if (fits_close_file(fptr, &status)) {
printerror("load_simple_fits_float_data: fits_close_file: ", status);
return NULL;
*ndatas = (int)nelem;
printf("%s\n", "F\n");
return ldbuf;
int write_simple_fits_float_data(char *fn, long naxis, long *naxes, float *dbuf)
fitsfile *fptr; /* fits ptr */
int status=0;
long nelem;
long fpixel=1;
char cmnt[128];
float meaning = 42.0;
int i;
// (void) printf(" NAXIS = %d\n", (int) naxis);
nelem = 1;
for (i=0; i<naxis; i++) {
nelem *= naxes[i];
(void) printf("%d.", (int) naxes[i]);
(void) printf(" = %ld pixels\n", (long int) nelem);
/* open up a fits file handle.. */
if (fits_create_file(&fptr, fn, &status)) {
printerror("write_simple_fits_float_data: fits_create_file: ", status);
return -1;
/* Create fits file... */
if (fits_create_img(fptr, FLOAT_IMG, naxis, naxes, &status)) {
printerror("write_simple_fits_float_data: fits_create_file: ", status);
return -1; }
/* set a keyword value for fun */
strcpy(cmnt, "Life, the Universe and everything");
if (fits_update_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "LUNVNVRT", &meaning, cmnt, &status)) {
printerror("write_simple_fits_float_data: fits_update_key: NAXIS", status);
return -1;
/* dump data to fits file */
if (fits_write_img(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, nelem, dbuf, &status)) {
printerror("write_simple_fits_float_data: fits_write_file: ", status);
return -1;
/* close the fits file */
if (fits_close_file(fptr, &status)) {
printerror("write_simple_fits_float_data: fits_close_file: ", status);
return -1;
return nelem;
static void printerror(const char *msg, int status) {
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s ", msg);
fits_report_error(stderr, status);