Hi all,
I was given some C code (below) some years ago. The program converts WAV audio files to PDF objects, which I then embed into PDFs created with LaTeX. I have binary versions of the program for Windows and Linux. I now have a Mac and am trying to compile the code to work on there too, but am having problems. When I run
I get this message:
When I run the resulting binary on a file, I get this:
My linux binary processes this file just fine. So, my guess is that something is going wrong with the creation of the binary. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd be really grateful for some pointers. I have no knowledge of C (and no time to learn about it!) so a solution which "just works" (and without me understanding it) would be ideal, or a (simple!) explanation of the problem.
Thanks in advance,
I was given some C code (below) some years ago. The program converts WAV audio files to PDF objects, which I then embed into PDFs created with LaTeX. I have binary versions of the program for Windows and Linux. I now have a Mac and am trying to compile the code to work on there too, but am having problems. When I run
gcc wav2obj.c -o wav2obj
I get this message:
wav2obj.c: In function main:
wav2obj.c:122: warning: format %d expects type int, but argument 2 has type DWORD
wav2obj.c:142: warning: format %d expects type int, but argument 3 has type DWORD
wav2obj.c:146: warning: format %d expects type int, but argument 3 has type DWORD
When I run the resulting binary on a file, I get this:
wav2obj: Error - ding.wav unknown file format
My linux binary processes this file just fine. So, my guess is that something is going wrong with the creation of the binary. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd be really grateful for some pointers. I have no knowledge of C (and no time to learn about it!) so a solution which "just works" (and without me understanding it) would be ideal, or a (simple!) explanation of the problem.
Thanks in advance,
* wav2obj - Wave to PDF-object converter
* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Wolfram Manthey
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Wolfram Manthey
* wolfram.manthey@gmx.de
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned short int WORD;
typedef unsigned long int DWORD;
typedef struct {
char ID[3];
DWORD length;
typedef struct {
WORD wFormatTag;
WORD nChannels;
DWORD nSamplesPerSec;
DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec;
WORD nBlockAlign;
WORD wBitsPerSample;
typedef struct {
char m;
} mono8;
typedef struct {
char ml;
char mh;
} mono16;
typedef struct {
char l;
char r;
} stereo8;
typedef struct {
char ll;
char lh;
char rl;
char rh;
} stereo16;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *infile, *outfile;
char ID[4];
WAVEID chunk;
mono8 SampleM8;
mono16 SampleM16;
stereo8 SampleS8;
stereo16 SampleS16;
char Temp;
if (argc < 3) {
printf("wav2obj - converts a WAV file into a PDF sound-object\n\n");
printf(" Syntax: wav2obj <wavefile.wav> <objfile.obj>\n");
return 1;
if (( infile=fopen( argv[1], "rb" )) == NULL ) {
printf( "wav2obj: Error - Could not open input file %s\n", argv[1] );
return 2;
if (( outfile=fopen( argv[2], "wb" )) == NULL ) {
printf( "wav2obj: Error - Could not open output file %s\n", argv[2] );
return 2;
fread (&chunk, sizeof(chunk), 1, infile);
if (memcmp(chunk.ID, "RIFF", 4)) {
printf( "wav2obj: Error - %s unknown file format\n", argv[1]);
return 3;
fread (&ID, sizeof(ID), 1, infile);
if (memcmp(ID, "WAVE", 4)) {
printf( "wav2obj: Error - %s unknown file format\n", argv[1]);
return 3;
fread (&chunk, sizeof(chunk), 1, infile);
if (memcmp(chunk.ID, "fmt ", 4)) {
printf( "wav2obj: Error - %s unknown file format\n", argv[1]);
return 3;
fread (&Format, sizeof(Format), 1, infile);
fread (&chunk, sizeof(chunk), 1, infile);
if (memcmp(chunk.ID, "data", 4)) {
printf( "wav2obj: Error - %s unknown file format\n", argv[1]);
return 3;
printf("\n%s Format:\n", argv[1]);
printf(" Channels: %d\n", Format.nChannels);
printf(" SampleRate: %d Hz\n", Format.nSamplesPerSec);
printf(" BitsPerSample: %d\n", Format.wBitsPerSample);
if (Format.wFormatTag != 1) {
printf("\nSorry - not a PCM coded wav-file!\n");
return 4;
if ((Format.nChannels > 2) || (Format.nChannels < 1)) {
printf("\nSorry - only 1 or 2 channels supported by PDF!\n");
return 4;
if ((Format.wBitsPerSample != 8) && (Format.wBitsPerSample != 16)) {
printf("\nSorry - only 8 or 16 bits per sample supported by PDF!\n");
return 4;
fprintf(outfile, "<<\n");
fprintf(outfile, "/Type /Sound ");
fprintf(outfile, "/R %d ", Format.nSamplesPerSec);
fprintf(outfile, "/C %d ", Format.nChannels);
fprintf(outfile, "/B %d ", Format.wBitsPerSample);
fprintf(outfile, "/E /Signed\n");
fprintf(outfile, "/Length %d\n", chunk.length);
fprintf(outfile, ">>\n");
fprintf(outfile, "stream\n");
while (Pos < chunk.length) {
switch (Format.nChannels + Format.wBitsPerSample) {
case 9 :
fread (&SampleM8, sizeof(SampleM8), 1, infile);
fwrite (&SampleM8, sizeof(SampleM8), 1, outfile);
case 10 :
fread (&SampleS8, sizeof(SampleS8), 1, infile);
fwrite (&SampleS8, sizeof(SampleS8), 1, outfile);
case 17 :
fread (&SampleM16, sizeof(SampleM16), 1, infile);
fwrite (&SampleM16, sizeof(SampleM16), 1, outfile);
case 18 :
fread (&SampleS16, sizeof(SampleS16), 1, infile);
fwrite (&SampleS16, sizeof(SampleS16), 1, outfile);
fprintf(outfile, "\nendstream\n");
return 0;