I'm working between my uni's unix servers and my mac. I've been using rsync to keep both up to date when I'm moving from one to the other.
But I've run into a problem (which I swear wasn't there before). I sync'd everything back to my mac, and used the makefile to compile on my mac. It gives me the error:
So I 'ssh' into my shell on the uni servers and run the exact same makefile, and it works fine. I'd rather not rsync every change and compile on the uni servers. I should add that I've got symlinks (required for this assignment) that point to data files. I've made sure that that same directories exist on my mac as well (remember this worked before). I'm not convinced this is a link following problem.
What is happening here?
Thanks in advance.
My makefile:
Directory listing (from ls -l):
But I've run into a problem (which I swear wasn't there before). I sync'd everything back to my mac, and used the makefile to compile on my mac. It gives me the error:
ld: library not found for -lparser
So I 'ssh' into my shell on the uni servers and run the exact same makefile, and it works fine. I'd rather not rsync every change and compile on the uni servers. I should add that I've got symlinks (required for this assignment) that point to data files. I've made sure that that same directories exist on my mac as well (remember this worked before). I'm not convinced this is a link following problem.
What is happening here?
Thanks in advance.
My makefile:
OBJECTS = main.o subNode.o Hits.o Context.o NodeFactory.o
INCLUDES = -I wrappers/ -I parser -L parser -l parser
ERRFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic
WRAPPERS = wrappers/RecordFile.o wrappers/lines_idx.o wrappers/lines_pos.o
printme: Context.o $(WRAPPERS)
$(COMPILER) -o printme $(INCLUDES) Context.cc $(WRAPPERS)
# Compile program
search: $(OBJECTS) $(WRAPPERS)
Directory listing (from ls -l):
data -> /usr/cs3/cs3/info3220/ass2/data
parser -> /usr/cs3/cs3/info3220/ass2/parser/ <-- this folder has libparser.a in it
texts -> /usr/cs3/cs3/info3220/ass2/texts