I actually managed to compile it for the simulator.. I'll have to look for the libraries on my hard drive. I can't remember but I may have made them fat (works with both the simulator and the device).
The iFrameExtractor project comes with a script that creates a nice set of fat universal libraries that include both ARMv6 and ARMv7 architectures
I'll try to finish my tutorial blog posts up tonight or tomorrow and post them here for you guys. I'm aiming to make them a little more robust than previous efforts to document getting ffmpeg libraries going on the iphone.
You can probably use the libraries we used with ffplay and webstreamX, I copied those to iframeextractor and it ran beautifully, I was amazed at the fps rate considering its not using opencv or opengl.
Note though the demo doesn't have sound, and that is the key as our experimenting shows it is pretty easy to get highframe rates its the audio queues that slow the process down.
Stil I frameextractor is best used for extracting single frames from video, for decoding open gl textures are the way to go and for encoding opencv, but thats not really viable unless apple opens up the coresurface api.
This technology is much simpler on Android.
I two have the universals somewhere, there is also a build script with webstreamx that should work too.
For those of you not familiar with webstreamX
You can get it from the ffmpeg4iphone site.
Its a demo for people who want to test the technology behind our streamX player. Because of the lgpl license before we actually go gold we will have to publish most of the code.
webstreamX does not have the performance advantages of the current version , now in private beta 2. but does show how some of the technology works. its requires a json formatted file on an apache server as input.