How can I completely, fully and correctly disable Spotlight?
P.S. I do not use it and I do not need.
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist
You can also try adding your "Macintosh HD" (or whatever is your boot drive) on the Privacy tab on Spotlight settings. It will warn you about search not working properly.
This won't prevent it from indexing other drives though, such as external ones.
How can I completely, fully and correctly disable Spotlight?
P.S. I do not use it and I do not need.
Do you use the App Store?
Do you use LaunchPad?
Do you use Time Machine?
They all require Spotlight.
Just because you don't think you use it, doesn't mean you should break it.
OK, so what is the truth of the matter here? What are the side effects of making Spotlight go away completely using the various Terminal commands? Is there an Apple source that spells this out? Some say the side effect is simply that all the annoyances of Spotlight go away, others such as the quote above say bad things will happen because other apps use Spotlight to do their (necessary) jobs. I actively dislike Spotlight, never use it directly, and would very much like to disable it completely, but I keep it going because I cannot get a straight answer to this question.
If you never use, what's to dislike? That little menu bar magnifying glass isn't in your face.