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I think it's only off clearance items, i.e. Powermacs/iMacs. Knowing CompUSA though, there's no discount on Apple items.
cnakeitaro said:
hmmm.....10% off cinema displays >.>
Knowing Comp USA, they'd sell you a Rev A iMac for the price of a Rev C
because they generally never have current models in stock.

Comp is an O.K. place for parts and accessories, but buy your Apple from Apple.
I was just on the phone with them. They aren't selling any of the macs at the discount. They're total scheissters. They're stating that they are normal products even though they're clearing them out of stock entirely.
I'm going to the Apple Store downtown! Hello edu discount!
I work at the CompUSA in Metairie, LA.

Let me put this into perspective. The 10% sale is for discontinued items. iMacs? Well, all we have are new models. We sent the 17" G5s back to Apple, and the 20" models are still active products obviously.
I've seen enough filthy, broken and otherwise vandalized Apple display units at CompUSA to feel very uncomfortable buying any major Apple products there.

This is a shame, because they used to be one of Apple's quality resellers.
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