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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 26, 2006
Alright. This story starts about 4 months ago almost. One night, I was happily using my little iBook, and decided to go to sleep so I turned it off for the night. Next day, I turn it on--O WAYT IT DOESN'T TURN ON?? I was sad and scared. My bridge that had taken me out of the dark age of 600mhz G3 iMac with OS 9 had ceased working, and only 15 days ago my AppleCare ran out. But, alas, I still had 2 more years of CompUSA warranty. So, I took my iBook out to get repaired. They told me that it would take, I quote, "seven business days." I thought, alright, that isn't so bad, is it? LOL.
I waited ten days and then called for a status report. It was not there still? Why?? Oh, they had to order another harddri--WAIT WHAT. YOU GUYS WERE SUPPOSED TO ONLY REPLACE THE LOGIC BOARD?? Oh, they ruined the Ah, well, I guess losing a gig of my photography and photoshop work isn't so bad. Oh, and I guess some of my music. And apps. And documents. Oh and my videos, also. Can't forget all of my personal settings. Oh, but what's 50gb of data, anyways. So I was like, "Well, alright, please hurry up."
Another week passes, and I call again. It seems they ordered the wrong logic board, so they have to send it back, and get another. Greaaaaaaat. Let's see how long this is gonna take.
ANOTHER week later (week 3) I call. LOOKS LIKE THEY RUINED MY DVD DRIVE? How they are doing this, I have no clue whatsoever. At this point I am getting pissed.

By the way, this is PART ONE OF THE STORY.
Part two:

Week four. I call. They arn't done yet. They are doing things to my iBook that I have no clue or control over. At this point I start calling ever two days. Finnally. FINALLY I get it back. On the way back, I open it find a coffee ring and a peice of chocolate on the keyboard :). McDonalds Quality Service they've got going on at CompUSA, amirite? Well, At least I've got it back.
Oh, a happy month and a half passes. But WAIT. I start to get kernal panics and random freezes in my iBook. And less than a week later, the harddrive dies. So, I am like, "Looks like it's back to CrapUSA again, buddy :(" So I take it back, expalin to them about the Month wait that I had last time, and the manager says "wel at lest u got it bak lol." I wanted to laugh and tell her to shut up, but I'm not one to do that...out loud. So, I agree with her, with my fingers crossed, that is, and give her the iBook. I tell her the problems that I am having, she writes them down, done.
Nice and efficiently, I get my iBook back 8 days later (today). I turn it on, it's all good. Reformat, because I don't trust them one bit, and then I do the Mac to Mac transfer. With 20 minutes left...GREY SCREEN OF DEATH. Out loud to meself, I say "Are you ****ing serious?" Great job guys. You failed to fix the main problem! So now, I've got to go back there, and ask wtf they are doing and what I can do for better support or something. What should I say/do, guys?

Ah, yeah, here's a little something they gave me, also:

I believe you were told to back up your data before sending it in for repair. Well, when I had an ibook with issues that were covered by the compusa warranty, they would just send it to apple to be fixed, so I didn't have any issues. You should go to the store and talk to the manager, and maybe make a scene. It's the best thing to do at this point.
Sutekidane said:
I believe you were told to back up your data before sending it in for repair.
Er, actually they told me I could pay $70 to make sure I kept my old stuff, just in case they gave me another. I took the chance of them taking care of my stuff.
wow... that all sounds pretty outrageous...

at this point I would climb that ladder of contacts at compusa until you get under the skin of someone who will just replace your notebook all together.
I feel very bad for all of your trouble but it sounds as if your main problem from the beginning was loosing all of your data. Back it up! Your post is a good warning for not purchasing an Apple product from Crap USA.:)
I just bought a macbook from them and I didn't get any coverage(no applecare or anything) on it. If it breaks within 2 years I will just never buy an apple product again. I can't believe the amount of trouble people have with apple laptops. In the apple store the worker said he had trouble(harddrives,mother boards,lcd's etc) with every apple laptop he has ever had(6 of them). Not just problems, major pain in the behind problems that always came back. Why would you keep buying them if you had 6 with every problem known to man.I also have never had a problem with any electronic equipment ever. I hope I don't have any problems with my macbook.
wow... that really sucks man...

I have a friend who had their warranty, and the screen broke. He took it to CompUSA got it fixed. Magically he also got a HDD replaced too with 20gb more. I guess you got unlucky and it just turns out everything is working craptastic for you.
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