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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2014
My Mac Pro has started irregularly making a strange sound, like an error chord or something. I've no clue what it is or which application is doing it. Console displays this line when it happens:

7/28/16 16:53:16.520[445]: [16:53:16.520] FigAgglomeratorSetObjectForKey signalled err=-16020 (kFigStringConformerError_ParamErr) (NULL key) at /Library/Caches/ line 92

It's just done it about eight times in the last few minutes, but has been silent for several hours before that. It does it a few times a day, with no fixed time or pattern. The sound is coming from the connected speakers, no the internal speaker.
Are you running on El Capitan? Is it up-to-date?
Could be a Safari issue, so I wonder if you have tried the Safari Technology Preview?

Maybe this thread will help.
That thread seems to show that it is an issue with webkit (and Safari), and (perhaps) is fixed by updating to 10.11.5
Did you first notice the noise recently after a system update?
Might be worthwhile to boot to your recovery system, and reinstall OS X. Even better, if you have created a bootable OS X installer, to boot to that and reinstall. No threat to your existing files and apps, and the OS X reinstall may fix your issue.
Are you running on El Capitan? Is it up-to-date?
Could be a Safari issue, so I wonder if you have tried the Safari Technology Preview?

Maybe this thread will help.
That thread seems to show that it is an issue with webkit (and Safari), and (perhaps) is fixed by updating to 10.11.5
Did you first notice the noise recently after a system update?
Might be worthwhile to boot to your recovery system, and reinstall OS X. Even better, if you have created a bootable OS X installer, to boot to that and reinstall. No threat to your existing files and apps, and the OS X reinstall may fix your issue.
I'm 100% up-to-date. 10.11.6, latest Nvidia web drivers etc. I guess it's a Safari issue, it's just so weird. Just this error chord randomly playing. It did it on 10.11.5 as well. I could try the Safari TP; I haven't yet. Thanks!
Audible error tones are unusual.
What are you using for internal storage/boot drives?
I used to hear odd tones occasionally, and there used to be a web page that would play recorded error tones that many hard drives would produce - although those were always from the hard drive, and not through the system speakers.
I don't think that is relevant with SSDs, for example...

Maybe it would help if you would note what other things are happening when you hear the tones. I know you said there is no apparent pattern - but something web-related might do it, such as streaming videos/flash player, or uploading/downloading large files, etc.
Do you use other, less common webkit browsers, such as Roccat, or iCab?
Do you EVER notice an error beep or chord when you press a key on your keyboard?
When you hear the tone, is it the same sound set as your system alert sound (in your Sound pref pane)
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Is you installation a clean one or did you update from earlier OS versions (10.10 or earlier) and, if so, what was the oldest?

I'm wondering if it's some leftover background process from an old app installation.
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