Here's my understanding (which I don't claim is complete): Filevault-enabled volumes have the concept of associated "cryptoUsers." When you enable filevault, it offers to add the Mac user account(s) on your system to the list of the volume's cryptoUsers. It saves the Mac account user's password, too. There may optionally be an associated Personal Recovery Key (PRK) and/or an Institutional Recovery Key (IRK).
in every situation I'm aware of, one can unlock the volume with either of the recovery keys (if they exist),
or with the combination of a crpytoUser name and password (which will be the same name and password used to log into macOS). See 'man diskutil'.
What I'm wondering is what special circumstance would require the recovery key as opposed to the user-password - or if my support contact simply is incompetent.
I can easily imagine that the *standard* procedure to unlock the disk when some software-bug prevents a normal boot to run is using the recovery key/underlying password (since this is one layer closer to the disk), but I'm not convinced this is the *only* way.
I think your speculation is quite plausible, though I suppose there might be situations where ONLY the PRK/IRK would work.
Does the machine boot to Recovery Mode ok? If so, I
think the filevault-protected volume could be unlocked with
diskutil apfs unlockVolume <volumeDevice> -user <yourUserid>
and be prompted for
your normal user password. My reading of the 'diskutil' man page makes me think they could instead be specify
-user disk
(literally the characters "disk" instead of a username) to be prompted for the PRK. Maybe that's what their troubleshooting script says to do, and they don't realize there's another option...
Here are some commands for anyone (with admin access) to play around with:
See if there's a PRK defined:
sudo fdesetup haspersonalrecoverykey
List the cryptousers:
sudo fdesetup list -extended
Another way to see the list of cryptousers:
diskutil apfs listCryptoUsers <volumeDevice-or-mount-point>
Unlock an encrypted volume:
diskutil apfs unlockVolume <volumeDevice> -user <yourUserid>
See all the gory details:
man fdesetup
man diskutil
(A LOT of doc here -- search for "apfsVerb" and read the sections following)