I have MSMTP (a simple smtp client) running on four Raspberry Pies. It was easy to set up and runs fine on all of them.
I haven't had the same good luck trying to install and configure it on an M1 iMac. I'm sure I made a silly error somewhere. I'm hoping someone will spot my mistake.
The ~/.msmtprc (configuration) file looks like this:
The /etc/mail.rc looks like this:
The only thing I added there was the "set sendmail" line.
When I run "mail" I can compose a message and appear to send it. But, it goes nowhere and there are no entries in the log file:
Obviously, I've done something wrong. What it is?
I haven't had the same good luck trying to install and configure it on an M1 iMac. I'm sure I made a silly error somewhere. I'm hoping someone will spot my mistake.
The ~/.msmtprc (configuration) file looks like this:
# Generics
auth on
tls on
# tls_starttls on
# following is different from ssmtp:
# tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# user specific log location, otherwise use /var/log/msmtp.log, however,
# this will create an access violation if you are user pi, and have not changes the access
tls_fingerprint 7D:8B:CD:37:56:4D:10:A1:10:B3:<snip>
logfile /opt/local/bin/msmtp
# byname specifics
account gmail
auth plain
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
from me@gmail.com
user me
password my_password
# Default
account default : gmail
The /etc/mail.rc looks like this:
set append dot save ask crt
ignore Received Message-Id Resent-Message-Id Status Mail-From Return-Path Via
set sendmail=/opt/local/bin/msmtp
The only thing I added there was the "set sendmail" line.
When I run "mail" I can compose a message and appear to send it. But, it goes nowhere and there are no entries in the log file:
Obviously, I've done something wrong. What it is?