i've just read the following:
"To keep the global variables from conflicting with another company's global variables, you have prefixed them with BNR (for Big Nerd Ranch). Global variables from Cocoa are prefixed with NS. These prefixes are important only when you start using classes and frameworks developed by third parties. (NOTE that class names are also global. You might prefer to prefix all your class names with BNR to keep them from conflicting with anyone else's classes)"
i understand it's extremely common for developers to have certain classes often titled the same, namely "AppController". so if two applications are running on one computer, and both applications have classes called "AppController", will they conflict with one another?
"To keep the global variables from conflicting with another company's global variables, you have prefixed them with BNR (for Big Nerd Ranch). Global variables from Cocoa are prefixed with NS. These prefixes are important only when you start using classes and frameworks developed by third parties. (NOTE that class names are also global. You might prefer to prefix all your class names with BNR to keep them from conflicting with anyone else's classes)"
i understand it's extremely common for developers to have certain classes often titled the same, namely "AppController". so if two applications are running on one computer, and both applications have classes called "AppController", will they conflict with one another?