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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 30, 2014
Hey guys,

So I've had an issue with my iPhone (6) at the gym since the new year. It connects to Wifi (although even that is very slow) but internet doesn't work at all.

I wait for the wifi icon to show up at the top, all three bars are black so the network connection seems fine, but if I go on Safari, or Youtube, it says there is no internet connection. I tried turning WiFi off, then back on; it takes a few minutes for the wifi icon to show up, and the problem persists. I tried renewing my lease (whatever that does) and it didn't work either. I've seen other people at the gym using the internet, so I know the issue is with my phone.

I usually do a whole hour of cardio, and listening to music while doing it really doesn't get me through it as easily as videos, and I often forget to download videos before leaving the house/work. Anyone has any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!
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