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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022

I recently bought the Apple Cinema display. On the back this monitor has 3 usb-ports. (So it is not the Thunderbolt display).
The Macbook Pro 14" M1 is my main laptop that will work with this monitor. It is for my music studio that i wil use this setup.
Because i like everything simple i would like to have just one cable to come out of my only 1 USB port of the laptop will be used...

So what are the hub on the market that will give this possibility?
-connect macbook pro to Apple Cinema Display
-connect macbook to interface which has Thunderbolt 3
-have a port for 3 extra normal usb (dongles, usb keyboard, extra hd)

What is the best hub to achieve this?


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Which ACD are you talking? Are you talking about the gray bezel or black bezel one? If the Gray Bezel one, the input is either DVI-D or Dual-link DVI-D. If it's the black bezel one, the input is via Mini-DisplayPort.

So depending on which one, you'll need a USB-C to DVI-D (or Mini-Display) adapter.
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