I am wanting to connect my turntable via its preamp to my MacPro to copy vinyl across.
The out from the preamp is Phono Left & Right.
What do i need to connect this to my MacPro and where on the MacPro do I connect to. I have
the program on the to do this in Spin Doctor.
EDIT: Got my answer, just buy a Behringer - http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/UCA202.aspx
I am wanting to connect my turntable via its preamp to my MacPro to copy vinyl across.
The out from the preamp is Phono Left & Right.
What do i need to connect this to my MacPro and where on the MacPro do I connect to. I have
the program on the to do this in Spin Doctor.
EDIT: Got my answer, just buy a Behringer - http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/UCA202.aspx
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