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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 21, 2005
I have tons of newer Macs and a few raid towers, I was wondering I'f I could (with a 4 port PCI card or ethernet hub) maybe one that can distribute tasks across more than one computer. Like the servers (since that is what I will need it for) and don't lie I seen the G5's at the school But these will be OS 9.1 Computers (OS X if I have to) so what software and such do I need? Any help would be great, I really need to do this.

Also, FREE is best but if the software is cheap I will take it (under 100 bucks at the very most)

Thanks for the help!
Well I don't know what type of tasks you are thinking about here, but you could look into Xgrid. It's built into Mac OS X and allows for distributed computing across multiple Macs.

Now generally Mac OS X (regular user client edition) only offers an option for allowing your computer to be an Xgrid client. And normally you would need Mac OS X server on your main Mac which includes the Xgrid controller software to manage the machines, though I found this page at macosxhints that tells you how to run the controller without the server edition saving you from having to purchase 10.4 Server for this reason alone.

Here is a link to apples developer howto intro section on Xgrid which pretty much tells you what you need to know about Xgrid itself.
I have found out it is called Clustering, and that there are some softwares for a lot of money, and these are 'incomplete' packages and do not do it all, please help.
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