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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 2, 2006

I recently purchased a Mac and cannot seem to figure out the networked printing situation, i looked for a guide, but didnt find much on the subject. i have a wireles router(which i'm connected to right now) that's also connected to my main PC which hosts the Printers. Could someone please tell me how to do this? I am rather noobish:eek: All help appreciated. And I'm sorry if this has been covered already.
Ah yes, I've been through this joy after a change in my Internet provider saw my connection change from ADSL (which was connected upstairs in my office) to Cable, which saw my Airport router move downstairs to where Telenet installed the modem. The upshot of this is that instead of having my Canon printer connected to the USB port on the router (and Bonjour printing taking care of the rest) it became necessary to connect the printer to an old Windows XP PC as a Shared Printer. Hooking this setup to the Mac proved to be a challenge and it doesn't work 100% but here's the upshot of what I did.

The only issue that I had was finding a suitable driver for my printer from the list of CUPS drivers. In the end I think I found a reference to a beta driver that works OK, although it's not as good as a true driver for the printer.

Note: I didn't write the linked article but it's a good summary of the process.
No worries mate. Glad I make you happy. :D

Of course, captainbeefheat makes a good point about the ethernet connection. If you've already set up your printer then don't worry 'bout it, but if not and you have an ethernet connection then use that instead. It'd probably be easier. :)
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