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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 18, 2017
Austin, TX
What exactly are the consequences of enabling Cloud Music Library? I want to add a few Apple Music playlists to my favorites but cannot do so at the moment because I have Cloud Music Library disabled. Before I entrust Apple with my music library I would love to know a few more details but they are few and far between. Can someone answer the following questions?
  1. What exactly does enabling Cloud Music Library entail? Is my music going to get matched with the Apple Music library and then deleted locally? Will I only be able to stream songs, that I used to have in my local library, henceforth?
  2. What happens when I cancel my Apple Music subscription? I am currently on my free 6-month trial and am not yet convinced that it is worth $10 when compared to Spotify.
I would really like to add a few playlists to my favorites but am very hestitant to enable something that might end up completely destroying my local music library. I still vividly remember the havoc caused by iTunes Match...
My experience is that matching my library of ‘run of the mill’ ripped CDs produced many duplicates (where Apple deemed my ripped version wasn’t the same as their version). The process ended up uploading >80% of my library to the cloud, making quite a mess.

So I decided to keep my library separate (i.e. not expose it to the cloud apart from a handful of things that weren’t on the cloud in any shape or form) and just download Apple versions of albums I already had. This has worked out quite nicely, partly because I now have an Apple Music library just of music I listen to now (my CD library was full of stuff I’d out-grown) and also loads of new stuff. I too was nervous of investing time and then losing it if I left the service, but I have found the opportunity it has brought, to find and integrate new music into my library, to be so rewarding, I definitely won’t be leaving.
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Am I really the only person with questions about this? Surely there must have been others before me?
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Cloud Music Library *is* iTunes Match.

Your songs will be matched (and uploaded where necessary) but not deleted.

When you cancel Apple Music you'll keep your originals (and any upgraded tracks you've downloaded).

I too have kept Apple Music separate from My Library. I don't add anything from Apple Music, I just search and play.
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