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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 21, 2010

I have noticed, on at least USA shipments, the iPhone X shipping container has a cross clear tape over the enclosure that's been cut, then placed over that, tape that seals the box along the edge. In my particular box, the final tape is exactly the length of the box, and does not fold over at the corners.


This YouTube unboxing illustrates what I am seeing. Zoom in, if you need to.

Then on this UK unboxing, you can clearly see the box has not been cross taped.

My question, which may not have an answer... Why bother tapping the box, then breaking the seal, then taping it again? My phone spent 6 days in China export, then 3 days in Korea, before making it here. I called Apple and complained about the delays and Apple upgraded shipping to Saturday delivery. I got my phone today. I didn't ask for anything, just let them know I was concerned over the unusual delays.

So is there any possibility that customs opens boxes, either looks to see if it's phones or drugs, then seals them back up? Is it possible the phones are tampered with during shipping?

Any thoughts?


macrumors 6502
Aug 2, 2017
Probably customs checking. My guess is on any huge phone launch when millions of phones are coming from over seas it’s a god time to send a bunch of fakes, or hide something illegal in a couple boxes.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 21, 2010
Probably customs checking. My guess is on any huge phone launch when millions of phones are coming from over seas it’s a god time to send a bunch of fakes, or hide something illegal in a couple boxes.

How about your box? Was it double taped?
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