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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2007
So, I have an AT&T MicroCell that i've been using since it came out and has worked very well, until I had upgraded to iPhone 4S, I have noticed that most of my outgoing calls will take between 2-4 tries before the call can be made.

When attempting to make an outgoing call, it just fails very quickly. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?
You are lucky you even connected to the Microcell. Mine would be connected for 10 minutes and revert back to 3G. Two useless calls to AT&T resulted in them not being able to help telling me there are issues and they didn't give me an impression they cared or will resolve them. It went on Ebay and sold within 10 minutes. Luckily, I have 3-4 bars at my house anyway.
Mine was working with 3s, now having same issue, first call does not go thru, next ones then work
Same problem. Never had it before. Wife has Samsung Rugby and it never happens. It's an iPhone 4s problem, not ATT. I'm so sorry I upgraded to this phone. This is just one of my problems.

I don't care what Apple releases as the iPhone 5. This is my last iPhone.
I ended up getting a replacement microcell from AT&T because my 4 + iOS 4 was having the same problems. The new microcell didn't work either do I gave it up a few months ago and sold it on eBay. The microcell is crap. It's not the iPhone IMO.
Same problem here with iPhone 4S but also had it on my 3GS.
Sometimes it takes 3-4 tries. :mad:
Mysteriously I am no longer getting failed calls on my initial outbound call. Actually, I don't remember having one at all recently. I am having failed outbound MMSs occasionally as well as random disconnects from the M-Cell.

Perhaps they flashed the M-Cell firmware? I'm not sure how I would tell..

4S with 5.0.1. Same behavior on 4 with 4.x (whatever the last one was)
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