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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Took this 2 days ago, I really love his smile (and bunny teeth!). I think I did decently with this one; though the background is a bit dull and distracting perhaps. I don't have PS installed at the moment, but I plan on vignetting the photo emphasize his face even more.

What do you think of the photo? How is the B&W?

Thanks in advance guys! :)



macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
Nice use of BW. Good smile and interaction with the subject. I might try to put the line through his head lower to get rid of it. Getting rid of it all together would be good. You could do this by changing your angle by shooting up or down. Or move the young man farther out to the edge of the couch and use a less depth of field. Keep it up!!


macrumors 6502
Jun 29, 2007
New York
Nice use of BW. Good smile and interaction with the subject. I might try to put the line through his head lower to get rid of it. Getting rid of it all together would be good. You could do this by changing your angle by shooting up or down. Or move the young man farther out to the edge of the couch and use a less depth of field. Keep it up!!

i agree, and i like the soft lighting. i might want to see some detail in the hair though - it looks underexposed. you could use a bounce card or something for that next time you shoot him

good job


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2006
It is a great family portrait. Like bocomo more detail in the hair would be nice and you could experiment with cropping to reduce the background distractions.

I would put that in a frame and mount it in my family room.
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