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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 5, 2018
South Wales
Hi just can't get my contacts that I have entered on my iPhone6 to show up on my MacBook Air 2017.
They show on my iPad exactly as they are on the iPhone.
Why not on MacBook. Did some googling followed some ideas but with no luck what would happen if I deleted all the contacts on my MacBook would they be still on my phone, S I can re enter whats on the phone int Mac contacts book.
Any ideas Please.
Many Thanks.
Log on to your iCloud account, choose contacts, and make sure those contacts you wish to be synced are listed correctly. Then make sure you save them. Open System Preferences, iCloud on your MacBook and check to see if you have selected contacts for syncing.

I have had the same problem as you with my iMac, iPad Pro and two iPhones. Logging on to my iCloud account and entering, correcting contacts directly from there worked. Give it a try.
Thanks. Do I have to login to my iCloud using another browser like safari then login directly from there?
Looking at my icloud on my MacBook yes the contact are checked there.

Forgot to tell you this

Something very strange is going on, when I open the contacts from the dock it looks nothing like the contacts on my iPhone or iPad.
But when I open icloud through another browser and open contacts they are exactly the same as iPhone and iPad.
Very strange?
Yea done that and there the contacts match the contact on my iPhone all is good there.
But when I select the contacts icon in the MacBook dock they are all different.Mystery.
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