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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
Haute Savoie,France
Hello to all!

I very much appreciate the atmosphere here on Digital Photography Forums, and so I would like to embellish this same atmosphere.
Before anyone gets angry, this thread is not meant to shadow any major thread&sticky or whatsoever.

Introduction: Post any pictures you think are the best you have taken inside a 200m (700ft) perimeter around your principal house/apartment. The point is to try to be fair, and people should not Google Earth every picture and try to find if the place was a holidays area. :)

Aim: Enable each poster to show what he can do with practically nothing, just his camera and his brain/heart/eyes, which is plenty already:)

Rules: Not many rules, very open thread:

1- The age/date of the shots can be whenever you took them, 30 years or 30 seconds.
2- One essential rule: do not post pictures you have taken inside your house/apartment, nor can it have been taken on a balcony or terrace, or anything else directly affiliated to your place. The 200m (700ft) rule also is crucial.
3-Post as many pictures as you want, although I think it would be better (moderators correct me) if we were limited to 5.
4- For the pictures themselves: please indicate if they are open to critiques, and try not to post pictures that were "iphotoed" in an extensive way. I think that it is better for the posters to let the other contributors modify their images, way more "teaching":)

There we are. Please also post any suggestions and/or critiques on the topic/rules, I will watch out very carefully, this is what I think a forum is meant to be.

Please also remember Chip's thread from May 26-29th, that will be awesome:)

Anyways, thanks for reading up to here. My contribution (Taken one hour ago): (camera: Sony DSC-V1, tripod for the first one, untouched)







There, thanks very much in advance, open to critiques/"iphotoing" of course. If high-resolutions are needed tell me:)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I live on a small lake and every year we greet new residents in the spring:

D200, 80-400 VR at 400mm, f/5.6 1/250sec, ISO 1000 (it was pretty dim under there on a cloudy day and the 80-400 is a slow lens)

D200, 180 at 180mm, f/8, 1/160 sec, ISO 400

D200, 180 at 180mm, f/8, 1/160 sec, ISO 400

The goose family was nesting under the boardwalk right in front of my building, which is on the lakefront. Actually, I was quite honored and surprised that Mummy showed me her eggs, as usually she was sitting in a way which completely covered them up. I missed seeing them hatch, but now they're paddling around the lake.

Forgot to include camera details: shot on May 2, 2006 with the D200 and the 180mm lens for two images, then went back into the house and put the 80-400 lens on in order to zoom closer in on the egg.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
tektonnic said:
clix, whats all that grey blur on the left hand of your photos?

The edge of the boardwalk. Mummy had tucked herself and the nest a bit back under there. I had to lean over the boardwalk rope at an angle to get the pictures, hoping that I wouldn't overbalance with that heavy lens on the camera! Even with that the lens did capture a part of the boardwalk, too, which I then for the most part cropped out, leaving just the little blurred bit there because too much cropping in each case would have been destructive to the overall image. Actually, in the one of the egg, the soft blurring rather blends in with the soft grey feathers which were around the egg.

It would be nice if we were allowed to go out in boats but this lake is too small and shallow for that, not to mention that there are potential liability issues. Had I been able to get into a boat I could've gotten a few good straight-on shots, but that was not possible.

The last image I shot from the other side at a different angle, so not as much boardwalk edge interference there. If I'd cropped out the little that is there I would've also cropped out one of the eggs, so I just left it be....


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2004
Here are a few of mine.


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  • IMG_6503.jpg
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
Haute Savoie,France
These birds really are awesome, to bad you couldnt use a boat, doesnt matter, I hadnt even noticed the blur

Don't forget to post your camera body & lens with some exif if you want:)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Whiteapple said:
These birds really are awesome, to bad you couldnt use a boat, doesnt matter, I hadnt even noticed the blur

Don't forget to post your camera body & lens with some exif if you want:)

Thanks -- I did forget that! I'll amend my post and also state it here:

Nikon D200, 180mm lens and the 80-400mm VR lens.... I'll have to go pull out the EXIF info for each image.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas

I assume the back yard is fair game as long as it wasn't taken out of the window? A couple that show the change of seasons in my yard. Don't remember the details, a Canon 20D and 10-22 lens, but then they are not the type of tech photo that would much matter in anyway.


  • June_2005.jpg
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  • Jan_2006.jpg
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macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2004
snap58 said:
Wow! Inspiring work, the aphids and fly are incredible, care to share any details?

I think macro photography is great - When I took the photo of the fly, I remember taking quite a few photographs as it would not keep still. The Aphids on the other hand just sit there and do nothing so capturing them was easy. I think Bees are really great to capture as they can make a floral photos look more interesting.

I used a Canon 20D with a EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM lens


macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2002
I shot this his funnel cloud from my patio as it tracked overhead, alongside the back of my home in Southern California. It's well past the house here, but this shot is better at showing the size and scale compared to objects on the ground.


  • 2005FnlCld.jpg
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