And by the way, ':' is a colon. ';' is a semicolon....into one long string with ':' (semicolon) between each int...
void convert_ints_to_string(void)
#define k_maximum_characters_for_demo 160
const int k_base_10 = 10;
unsigned short loop;
unsigned short length_of_string = 0;
int sample_array[7];
char your_output_as_a_C_string[k_maximum_characters_for_demo];
char intermediate_string[20];
sample_array[0] = 42;
sample_array[1] = -209;
sample_array[2] = 3287;
sample_array[3] = 0;
sample_array[4] = 291;
sample_array[5] = -2323;
sample_array[6] = -2323;
for(loop = 1; loop <= 7; loop++)
/* take the element in the array, an int, and turn it into as ASCII string. */
/* itoa = INT to ASCII, 3 parameters, the int, the string receptacle, and the base */
itoa(sample_array[loop-1], intermediate_string, k_base_10);
length_of_string += strlen(intermediate_string);
/* reserved 160 characters in the string array, make sure it is not exceeded */
if(length_of_string > k_maximum_characters_for_demo) exit(0);
your_output_as_a_C_string = strcat(your_output_as_a_C_string , intermediate_string, ":" );
/* add one to our count since we just added the colon */
if(length_of_string > k_maximum_characters_for_demo) exit(0);
/* all c strings are terminated with a NULL character, signified by backslash 0 */
your_output_as_a_C_string = strcat(your_output_as_a_C_string, '\0' );
joined_string = ":".join(sample_array)
#define k_maximum_characters_for_demo 10
const int k_base_10 = 10;
unsigned short loop;
unsigned short length_of_string = 0;
int sample_array[3] = {0x21,0x3a,0x45};
char your_output_as_a_C_string[k_maximum_characters_for_demo] =" ";
char intermediate_string[2];
for(loop = 0; loop < 3; loop++)
/* take the element in the array, an int, and turn it into as hex string. */
sprintf( intermediate_string, "%x", sample_array[loop] );
length_of_string += strlen(intermediate_string);
/* reserved 160 characters in the string array, make sure it is not exceeded */
if(length_of_string > k_maximum_characters_for_demo) exit(0);
/* add one to our count since we just added the colon */
if(length_of_string > k_maximum_characters_for_demo) exit(0);
/* all c strings are terminated with a NULL character, signified by backslash 0 */
printf("%s", strcat(your_output_as_a_C_string, "\0" ));
char temp[ 32 ] ;
int size = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; ++ i )
sprintf( temp, "%d", test_array[ i ] ) ;
size += strlen( temp ) + 1 ; // +1 is for the colon
char* str = (char *) malloc( size ) ; // Last ':' will be overwritten with \0
int offset = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TEST_SIZE - 1 ; ++ i )
sprintf( temp, "%d:", test_array[ i ] ) ;
strcpy( str + offset, temp ) ;
offset += strlen( temp ) ;
// Last number doesn't need a colon.
sprintf( temp, "%d", test_array[ TEST_SIZE - 1 ] ) ;
strcpy( str + offset, temp ) ;
Work out how big the final string is going to be 1st:-
then allocate the memory for it
Then create the string
That should do it!
b e n
#define G(n) int n(int t, int q, int d)
#define X(p,t,s) (p>=t&&p<(t+s)&&(p-(t)&1023)<(s&1023))
#define U(m) *((signed char *)(m))
#define F if(!--q){
#define I(s) (int)main-(int)s
#define P(s,c,k) for(h=0; h>>14==0; h+=129)Y(16*c+h/1024+Y(V+36))&128>>(h&7)?U(s+(h&15367))=k:k
G (B)
F D = E (Y (V), C = E (Y (V), Y (t + 4) + 3, 4, 0), 2, 0);
Y (t + 12) = Y (t + 20) = i;
Y (t + 24) = 1;
Y (t + 28) = t;
Y (t + 16) = 442890;
Y (t + 28) = d = E (Y (V), s = D * 8 + 1664, 1, 0);
for (p = 0; j < s; j++, p++)
U (d + j) = i == D | j < p ? p--, 0 : (n = U (C + 512 + i++)) < ' ' ? p |=
n * 56 - 497, 0 : n;
n = Y (Y (t + 4)) & 1;
U (Y (t + 28) + 1536) |=
62 & -n;
U (d + D) =
X (D, Y (t + 12) + 26628, 412162) ? X (D, Y (t + 12) + 27653,
410112) ? 31 : 0 : U (d + D);
for (; j < 12800; j += 8)
P (d + 27653 + Y (t + 12) + ' ' * (j & ~511) + j % 512,
U (Y (t + 28) + j / 8 + 64 * Y (t + 20)), 0);
F if (n)
D = Y (t + 28);
if (d - 10)
U (++Y (t + 24) + D + 1535) = d;
for (i = D; i < D + 1600; i++)
U (i) = U (i + 64);
Y (t + 24) = 1;
E (Y (V), i - 127, 3, 0);
Y (t + 20) += ((d >> 4) ^ (d >> 5)) - 3;
G (_);
G (o);
G (main)
Z, k = K;
if (!t)
Y (V) = V + 208 - (I (_));
L (209, 223) L (168, 0) L (212, 244) _((int) &s, 3, 0);
for (; 1;)
R n = Y (V - 12);
if (C & ' ')
k %= 3;
if (k < 2)
Y (j) -= p;
Y (j) += p += U (&D) * (1 - k * 1025);
if (k)
goto y;
for (C = V - 20;
!i && D & 1 && n
&& (X (p, Y (n + 12), Y (n + 16)) ? j = n + 12, Y (C + 8) =
Y (n + 8), Y (n + 8) = Y (V - 12), Y (V - 12) =
n, 0 : n); C = n, n = Y (n + 8));
i = D & 1;
j &= -i;
else if (128 & ~D)
E (Y (n), n, 3, U (V + D % 64 + 131) ^ 32);
n = Y (V - 12);
y:C = 1 << 24;
M U (C + D) = 125;
o (n, 0, C);
P (C + p - 8196, 88, 0);
M U (Y (0x11028) + D) = U (C + D);
for (D = 720; D > -3888; D--)
putchar (D >
0 ?
" )!\320\234\360\256\370\256 0\230F .,mnbvcxz ;lkjhgfdsa \n][poiuytrewq =-0987654321 \357\262 \337\337 \357\272 \337\337 ( )\"\343\312F\320!/ !\230 26!/\16 K>!/\16\332 \4\16\251\0160\355&\2271\20\2300\355`x{0\355\347\2560 \237qpa%\231o!\230 \337\337\337 , )\"K\240 \343\316qrpxzy\0 sRDh\16\313\212u\343\314qrzy !0( "
[D] ^ 32 : Y (I (D)));
return 0;
G (o)
if (t)
C = Y (t + 12);
j = Y (t + 16);
o (Y (t + 8), 0, d);
M U (d + D) =
X (D, C, j) ? X (D, C + 1025, j - 2050) ? X (D, C + 2050,
j - 3075) ? X (D,
C + 2050,
j -
4100) ?
X (D, C + 4100,
((j & 1023) + 18424)) ? 176 : 24 : 20 : 28 : 0 : U (d + D);
for (n = Y (t + 4); U (i + n); i++)
P (d + Y (t + 12) + 5126 + i * 8, U (n + i), 31);
E (Y (t), t, 2, d);
G (_)
Z = Y (V + 24);
F Y (V - 16) += t;
D = Y (V - 16) - t;
F for (i = 124; i < 135; i++)
D = D << 3 | Y (t + i) & 7;
if (q > 0)
for (; n = U (D + i); i++)
if (n - U (t + i))
D += _(D, 2, 0) + 1023 & ~511;
i = ~0;
F if (Y (D))
n = _(164, 1, 0);
Y (n + 8) = Y (V - 12);
Y (V - 12) = n;
Y (n + 4) = i = n + 64;
for (; j < 96; j++)
Y (i + j) = Y (t + j);
i = D + 512;
j = i + Y (i + 32);
for (; Y (j + 12) != Y (i + 24); j += 40);
E (Y (n) = Y (j + 16) + i, n, 1, 0);
return D;
Code:#define G(n) int n(int t, int q, int d) #define X(p,t,s) (p>=t&&p<(t+s)&&(p-(t)&1023)<(s&1023)) #define U(m) *((signed char *)(m)) #define F if(!--q){ #define I(s) (int)main-(int)s #define P(s,c,k) for(h=0; h>>14==0; h+=129)Y(16*c+h/1024+Y(V+36))&128>>(h&7)?U(s+(h&15367))=k:k G (B) { Z; etc etc
Are you saying you're the author of this?
b e n
Code:#define G(n) int n(int t, int q, int d) #define X(p,t,s) (p>=t&&p<(t+s)&&(p-(t)&1023)<(s&1023)) #define U(m) *((signed char *)(m)) #define F if(!--q){ #define I(s) (int)main-(int)s #define P(s,c,k) for(h=0; h>>14==0; h+=129)Y(16*c+h/1024+Y(V+36))&128>>(h&7)?U(s+(h&15367))=k:k G (B) { Z; F D = E (Y (V), C = E (Y (V), Y (t + 4) + 3, 4, 0), 2, 0); Y (t + 12) = Y (t + 20) = i; Y (t + 24) = 1; Y (t + 28) = t; Y (t + 16) = 442890; .... for (; Y (j + 12) != Y (i + 24); j += 40); E (Y (n) = Y (j + 16) + i, n, 1, 0); } } } return D; }
It will compile and run with no errors, and it actually does something!
Are you saying you're the author of this?
b e n
This is why I love Python:Code:joined_string = ":".join(sample_array)
//globally accessible integer array
int myArray[foo] = {1,2,3,...,bar};
int main()
string string1, string2;
//spawn worker 1 thread
fork worker1(&string2);
for(int i=0; i = foo/2; i++)
//wait for worker1 to exit
join worker1;
//string1 now has everything you need.
return 0;
for(int i=foo/2; i=foo; i++)
return 0;
How big is the array that you are considering multithreading?
While I know the question was a basic question, it can't be too early to start learning good habits for coding in parallel.
char intermediate_string[2];
char intermediate_string[4];
#define k_maximum_characters_for_demo 10
char your_output_as_a_C_string[k_maximum_characters_for_demo] =" ";
#define k_maximum_characters_for_demo 10
char your_output_as_a_C_string[k_maximum_characters_for_demo+1] ="";
if(length_of_string > k_maximum_characters_for_demo - 1)
printf("%s", strcat(your_output_as_a_C_string, "\0" ));