i know this topic may have been posted like a million times. However, i did not have any problems converting videos for apple tv with visualhub. that is gone. My question now is how im i gonna survive? VisualHub converted .avi files very fast and in good quality. anything else ive tried (including Quicktime Pro) converts videos with good quality but it takes AGES!
Moreover, im not an expert on hacking the apple tv to play .avi
Is there any program free or paid to solve my problem, or, a guide to hack my apple tv? (note: that i s**k on programming)
I am open to any suggestions
Thank you,
(needless to say;im using a mac)
i know this topic may have been posted like a million times. However, i did not have any problems converting videos for apple tv with visualhub. that is gone. My question now is how im i gonna survive? VisualHub converted .avi files very fast and in good quality. anything else ive tried (including Quicktime Pro) converts videos with good quality but it takes AGES!
Moreover, im not an expert on hacking the apple tv to play .avi
Is there any program free or paid to solve my problem, or, a guide to hack my apple tv? (note: that i s**k on programming)
I am open to any suggestions
Thank you,
(needless to say;im using a mac)