The Dark Knight has two different aspect ratios that change depending if it's on IMAX scene or not.
The movie file is 1280x720 but if I use Handbrake to convert the file with the option to keep aspect ratio it changes to a 1280x532 file, and if I manually force it to be 1280x720 the video gets stretched out in all scenes that aren't IMAX.
Does anyone know of a solution where the file can be converted while maintaing both aspect ratios?
The movie file is 1280x720 but if I use Handbrake to convert the file with the option to keep aspect ratio it changes to a 1280x532 file, and if I manually force it to be 1280x720 the video gets stretched out in all scenes that aren't IMAX.
Does anyone know of a solution where the file can be converted while maintaing both aspect ratios?