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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 6, 2010
Zurich, ON (Canada)
I have a MAC and a PC, sadly the MAC is going and be a few months before I can get another one, maybe longer... but need the fonts to work so I can access old projects to build a portfolio/resume.

So, trying to convert fonts over to use on Win7. I tried burning to disc, but about 2/3 are showing up as 0kb. Work fine on the MAC. Ran into issue in the past but, never 'needed' them in the past.

Tried TransType Pro 3, no luck.

Good chunk are Postscript Type 1 outline fonts that don't even show up when dragged into TransType. What does show up, works from what I can tell in Win7 so not very helpful.

Any suggestions?
If your portfolio/résumé was done in Word, then the fonts that you used may already be installed in Word. Many third-party fonts are .ttf files and are agnostic as to Windows or MacOS X. They need no conversion. OpenType fonts have the .otf extension and are explicitly cross-platform.

Fonts that have the .dfnt extension are MacOS X only. Most of your dfnt fonts shipped with MacOS X and cannot be used on Windows. Some have .ttf equivalents, but not all. However, you have not shown that you need to convert the fonts used in your résumé.
No, not WORD... I use Adobe CS4, so would be designed files in InDesign and Illustrator. Resume and a few layouts in InDesign, and packaging designs, logos, flyers, etc... in Illustrator.

I thought of outlining the fonts and saving as *.eps but, if anything needs added/changed I'd be out of luck.

I have approx 850 fonts, saved over the past 5yrs from various sources. About 350 transferred fine. For the problem ones, the file info shows "Postscript Type 1 Outline Font" but no extension, vs the fonts that clearly show an extension like TTF and OTF.

They all work, have them on a disc which I use whenever I format/reinstall the MAC and need to re-add the fonts so, I know the fonts are fine for when I get another MAC.

About 2yrs back, I organized and cleaned up the collection in Fontbook, got rid of duplicates and such, and exported to my desktop where I then burnt them to a disc. Been using that disc without problems for 2yrs. Hoping the export didn't do something to them.
Its the Postcript type 1 fonts that are causing you trouble. You should get rid of them and instead get opentype formatted fonts, they are happily cross platform. As are your old TrueType fonts.

You can try tools like FontXChange to convert your font files, but often this creates files missing important kerning and metrics data. It is also in violation of the software licenses that came with the fonts.
Its the Postcript type 1 fonts that are causing you trouble. You should get rid of them and instead get opentype formatted fonts, they are happily cross platform. As are your old TrueType fonts.

Huh? Mr. Buffett, everyone doesn't have your kind of money. The OP is invested in hundreds of fonts. Assuming $20-$30 per outline, his investment in Type 1 fonts runs into the $1 thousands. For a billionaire such as yourself, this may not seem like much. For people who work for a living, the investment is substantial. The sacrifice is more so. Don't forget that he then must replace his sacrificed fonts with OpenType fonts that are even more expensive. As you know darned well, you would never do what you are advising the OP to do. You never would have become a billionaire if you had wasted your money like this.
Huh? Mr. Buffett, everyone doesn't have your kind of money. The OP is invested in hundreds of fonts. Assuming $20-$30 per outline, his investment in Type 1 fonts runs into the $1 thousands. For a billionaire such as yourself, this may not seem like much. For people who work for a living, the investment is substantial. The sacrifice is more so. Don't forget that he then must replace his sacrificed fonts with OpenType fonts that are even more expensive. As you know darned well, you would never do what you are advising the OP to do. You never would have become a billionaire if you had wasted your money like this.

Exactly what I was thinking, especially given that as stated in the OP, hopefully a new(er) MAC in 3-4 months, so would only be temporary.

That being said, seems like I'm SOL for a portion of these fonts. Having researched for hours, trying different methods and converters, the batch with no extensions don't seem to convert.

Under MAC OSX - Postscript Type 1
Huh? Mr. Buffett, everyone doesn't have your kind of money. The OP is invested in hundreds of fonts. Assuming $20-$30 per outline, his investment in Type 1 fonts runs into the $1 thousands. For a billionaire such as yourself, this may not seem like much. For people who work for a living, the investment is substantial. The sacrifice is more so. Don't forget that he then must replace his sacrificed fonts with OpenType fonts that are even more expensive. As you know darned well, you would never do what you are advising the OP to do. You never would have become a billionaire if you had wasted your money like this.

wow... sorry for having offended you.

I suppose that when you buy PC software you expect it to work on a mac as well?

Considering that converting the fonts is:

1. illegal
2. often does not work

what do you suggest he do? I posted a link to a conversion program.
Sorry if this has been repeated....

1) Try only the font with *.ttf or *.otf you'll *generally* have few issues. I'd suggest using the export via the Font Book, BTW *.dfont wont work with Windows.

2) If costs are an issue you can pick up some rather nice fonts that should work on Mac and PC from Font Squirrel.
Huh? Mr. Buffett, everyone doesn't have your kind of money. The OP is invested in hundreds of fonts. Assuming $20-$30 per outline, his investment in Type 1 fonts runs into the $1 thousands. For a billionaire such as yourself, this may not seem like much. For people who work for a living, the investment is substantial. The sacrifice is more so. Don't forget that he then must replace his sacrificed fonts with OpenType fonts that are even more expensive. As you know darned well, you would never do what you are advising the OP to do. You never would have become a billionaire if you had wasted your money like this.

Wow, that was rude.
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