Hey. I'm using the below settings to try to start converting my dvd library. I just had a couple questions. Under the picture settings, on the bottom, it says "Source: 720x480" and "Output: 640x480." Does this mean the video is shrinking or something. I don't really understand why the number would be smaller.
Also, about adding the audio thing. Could you explain that more because I don't see where to do that. I don't have a surround system at the moment but I only want to do this once. And when I view the details of the video in itunes, it shows the bitrate (i assume audio) in the 100s while videos i've purchased are in the 200s.
Also, about adding the audio thing. Could you explain that more because I don't see where to do that. I don't have a surround system at the moment but I only want to do this once. And when I view the details of the video in itunes, it shows the bitrate (i assume audio) in the 100s while videos i've purchased are in the 200s.
For A4 CPU devices (iPhone/iPad/AppleTV2) the following is OUTSTANDING:
1. High Profile [Best setting in Handbrake, but doesn't work on iPhone 3G or the old Apple TV]
2. RF of 19 for DVD, 20-22 for Bluray. [Smaller numbers are HIGHER quality, but lower than 18 gets no real increase in the quality you can see but will quickly exceed the original size of the DVD or Bluray, don't do it! These values create great transfers with reasonable, in some cases outstandingly small sizes, I use 20 for Bluray as I don't mind using a bit more space, but 21-22 are good too, try it.]
3. Framerate NTSC 29.97 and check the "Peak Framerate Box" [This tells Handbrake to use the NATIVE frame rate of the source unless it exceeds 29.97 in which case it would limit it to 29.97 which makes sure you stay compatible.]
4. Check the "Large File" box. [This helps with compatibility if your file exceeds 4GB, in most cases it won't.]
5. Add second audio track under Audio tab for Passthrough or DTS conversion if you are using the Apple TV connected to a surround system. [Important if you ever intend to use the file with a surround system, otherwise omit this.]
6. Under picture tab select "Anamorphic" and "Strict" for DVD, or "Anamorphic NONE" and set the width to 1280 for Bluray with the keep ratio box checked. [Experts now feels Strict is better than Loose Anamorphic for DVD (that's a change from the past) and there is no Anamorphic for Blurays so turn it off. 1280 for Blurays makes your files 720p for size and compatibility, ATV2 will convert 1080p files but there are hiccups that make it not worth try to push beyond the stated spec.]
7. Add detelcine, decomb filters for DVD, *NO* filters for Bluray. [DVDs can use a bit of help from the filters, which only kick in if they feel they are needed, while Bluray sources are so clean you actually hurt the image and slow encoding if you leave them on.]
Really incredible, small but beautiful files from this much better than the current presets.