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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 28, 2003
Someone please tell me there is an easy way to convert wmv files to quicktime files, or even mpeg or .avi. I've been looking around but haven't come up with anything yet. Thanks in advance.
If you have a Mac with TV-out, run a tv-out into a dvcam and record to DV tape. Afterwards recapture with iMovie or FCE or FCP or Premiere or anything :p
Ouch. That will take a looong time to convert the amount of footage I have in wmv. I was hoping for a software solution to convert them so I can throw them in final cut, edit, and make a dvd. I will use that solution as a last resort maybe. Thanks for the response though, one response is better than zero.
Use Windows Movie Maker in Windows to create the DV files directly and transfer them to a firewire drive.

It still will take a long time though. Recording to DV tapes is less expensive. Also Cleaner XL for Windows might work. At least it has batch capabilities so you can run it for all your files.
BBDemux will sort out your mpeg files...
it seperates the video and audio files, but you have to convert the audio files to an aif then copy and paste them back into the video file... bit complicated...

I'll post the instructions that i made up here..

Conveting a mpeg into a quicktime

using 'bbdemux' drag and drop the mpeg file onto the window, this rips it in to a mpg video and a mpa sound file....

Then using 'awaud80' (for the pc) convert the audio mpa file into a aiff. or wav.

Open the mpg. movie in quicktime pro. open the aiff audio, select all of the audio file (apple+a) copy (apple+c) the paste it into the movie (apple+alt+shift+v). this will paste it in perfectly.

The sound can be edited in the "get movie properties' option.

Export as a quicktime movie.... (for export to flash the sound option box has to be checked in the export options section)


haven't has any luck with wmv files tho...
I haven't found any way to do this on a Mac. I can do it on Windows, but it's ridiculously complicated and takes ages (about a minute per frame of footage on a Celeron 633) :eek:
I'm sure MS does things just to annoy people - my Windows PC has no mouse or display or anything, it's just a box connected to the network. So I connect to it via Remote Desktop, load up Movie Maker, and it tells me that Movie Maker is unsupported over Remote Desktop :(
i know that using ffmpeg and a GUI called hyperion for it you can convert WMAs to mp3 or whatever... you'd think there'd be something like that for WMV, they can't be all that different?

and vniow, thanks for that WMV for Windows converting guide. might come in handy sometime.
Originally posted by Nermal
I'm sure MS does things just to annoy people

There's a lot of things that won't run through Terminal Services, especially things that involve video. Try playing a video with a program that isn't restricted by it like Quicktime and see how crappy it is.

They probably did it to save resources, something that takes up that much (like video) is probably not something you want to do over a network until they start getting as fast as internal connections.
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