Since no news outlets have managed to describe exactly what Tim Cook said about the Apple TV in detail (which is odd considering the entire thing was webcast), I thought I would start a thread to aggregate it all.
From Arstechnica:
Other comments reiterated things we have heard before, such as Apple TV remaining a hobby. The device doesn't sell nearly the kind of volume that Apple usually wants to see, but it did see a sales increase of 35 percent in the most recent quarter. "We're continuing to invest in it because our gut tells us there's something there," Cook said, after sharing that he is an avid Apple TV user.
From AppleInsider:
Cook said he believes the Apple TV is an outstanding product, but there just isn't a large enough market to make the hardware worth a great deal of concentration from his company. The product is a "hobby," he said, because it doesn't compare to the phone, computer and MP3 player markets in terms of sales.
"Apple TV is still a hobby," he said. "We've been very clear about that."
But he also suggested the company's set-top-box device wouldn't necessarily lay dormant. It may just take time for the potential market to grow.
"Because our gut says something's there, we're continuing to invest in this," he said. "But today, it's still just a hobby."
From Macrumors:
Q: Where do you see things going with the Apple TV?
A: It's still a hobby, but our gut tells us there's something there. The go-to-market model is difficult, and we have no interest in being in the TV market. But we have continued to invest in the Apple TV and will keep doing so.
Apple has posted a QuickTime audio stream of the event:
From Arstechnica:
Other comments reiterated things we have heard before, such as Apple TV remaining a hobby. The device doesn't sell nearly the kind of volume that Apple usually wants to see, but it did see a sales increase of 35 percent in the most recent quarter. "We're continuing to invest in it because our gut tells us there's something there," Cook said, after sharing that he is an avid Apple TV user.
From AppleInsider:
Cook said he believes the Apple TV is an outstanding product, but there just isn't a large enough market to make the hardware worth a great deal of concentration from his company. The product is a "hobby," he said, because it doesn't compare to the phone, computer and MP3 player markets in terms of sales.
"Apple TV is still a hobby," he said. "We've been very clear about that."
But he also suggested the company's set-top-box device wouldn't necessarily lay dormant. It may just take time for the potential market to grow.
"Because our gut says something's there, we're continuing to invest in this," he said. "But today, it's still just a hobby."
From Macrumors:
Q: Where do you see things going with the Apple TV?
A: It's still a hobby, but our gut tells us there's something there. The go-to-market model is difficult, and we have no interest in being in the TV market. But we have continued to invest in the Apple TV and will keep doing so.
Apple has posted a QuickTime audio stream of the event: