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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 18, 2002
wouldn't it be cool if itunes not only calculated the number of listens per song..but in the browse menus showed a list of number of listens collectively for a group or albumn?
Yes, I think more stats like that would be cool, as well as average length of songs played.
I wish that the number of times a particular song has been played was added to not at the end of the song but when a certain amount of the song has been played - this would give a more accurate figure to people prone to switching songs.
average length of songs played would kick butt too...

i wouldn't want it to count if it just starts a song cause i skip around all the time...sometimes i kinda manipulate if i listen to most of a song i'll just arrow to the end so it counts on my play count
I really like all the stats. It's interesting to see what I have listened to most. It would be nice if it showed what album or band you listen to most, too.
Another Feature

I just wish iTunes would automatically sychronize with the iTunes Music Folder everytime you start iTunes. I want the music I put in there to show up in iTunes without having to go to "Add to Library." Is this a feature that I'm missing that's already there or do I need to keep telling Apple via feedback?
Re: Another Feature

Originally posted by nicely
I just wish iTunes would automatically sychronize with the iTunes Music Folder everytime you start iTunes. I want the music I put in there to show up in iTunes without having to go to "Add to Library." Is this a feature that I'm missing that's already there or do I need to keep telling Apple via feedback?

Hear, hear! this is a feature that would be nice... altho, you can just double click an MP3 file, it will add it to iTunes, and copy it to the appropriate folder in iTunes Music Folder, if you have it set up to manage your library... then you can delete the MP3 you just downloaded (legally) and a copy is correctly stored.

Not *the* most convenient way, but pretty damn good...

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