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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 26, 2003
Being an "operating-systems-by-apple-computer" geek I've been looking all over the net for anything remotely Copland-related, but so far I haven't found much. Is there anyone here that has had the opportunity to use the developers version (or any other) of Copland that Apple released? If so, what is usable in any way?
Was Copland DR0 the same as "Mac OS 8 Driver Development Kit 0.4"?
i'd be interested in this as well. i'd like to see some screenshots of the features from copland that were left out of later releases. i remember several shots in a mac magazine that showed an opendoc aware finder (very cool) and finder icons that gave dynamically sized previews of the media they represented.

perhaps even cooler would be if somebody had a shots, or even just info about project pink and project star trek.
I have a DR release of Copland but I can't install it. It asks for me to insert some power nvram floppy (or something) after it installs the system components. Because I don't have a clue what it's looking for (I've got all the files on CD) and mine is not an original disk I can't install it.

If I could bypass the nvram...whatnot I would be running Copland on my PM8200.

Any help here?

:confused: :confused:
OK, got my disk out, it's a powersurge nvram fixer disk that is needed.

I have Copland D11e4.

Screenshot attached for someone who wants to see what the Copland system folder looks like.
Re: Copland DR0

Originally posted by brainbugs
Is there anyone here that has had the opportunity to use the developers version (or any other) of Copland that Apple released? If so, what is usable in any way?

Well, that's a blast from the past!

I don't recall individual builds, but leading up to it's eventual canning, it was buggy, but very usable. I still think the coolest thing was the booting up animation though.
Well, that's a blast from the past!

I don't recall individual builds, but leading up to it's eventual canning, it was buggy, but very usable. I still think the coolest thing was the booting up animation though.

What hardware did it eventually run on? Did alla builds require a connected "debug machine"?
It probably runs on any machine System 7.5.1 will run on. Usually you can boot to a desktop without a degugging machine but a debugger is recommended.
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