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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 19, 2005
I have a 16GB iPad, and am a little concerned that it won't have enough storage for my tastes. I'm a MobileMe subscriber, and like that I can use my iDisk to store PDFs and such for reading on the iPad (and on my iMac). My question is whether, when I'm traveling without the iMac and just have my iPad, can I copy movies that I've pre-staged on my iDisk onto my iPad for viewing?

The idea being - I fill my iPad with content before I leave via a sync w/iTunes on the iMac. I also copy some extra movies from the iMac to the iDisk, just in case I run out of stuff on the iPad while I'm away. Sure enough, I run through all the iPad content, delete the movies I've watched from the iPad to free up space. Can I then copy the pre-staged iDisk movies to the iPad for the remainder of the trip?

If you have an Internet connection you might be able to stream videos from your iDisk (I know it works for music, not sure about video) but you can't copy them to the iPad. An even better solution is the app AirVideo.
By movie do you mean a clip or a whole 2 GB movie?

I've streamed 15 min. mp4 clips from iDisk.

You CAN also copy files from iDisk to you iPad, though you need an App for that, eg Air Sharing HD or GoodReader will let you copy from iDisk (or other web based server) and store the files on your iPad, inc video.

There was a limit with some of these ~1GB, though this may have changed.

(It's likely to be quite slow downloading a whole GB this way though!)
I have a 16GB iPad, and am a little concerned that it won't have enough storage for my tastes. I'm a MobileMe subscriber, and like that I can use my iDisk to store PDFs and such for reading on the iPad (and on my iMac). My question is whether, when I'm traveling without the iMac and just have my iPad, can I copy movies that I've pre-staged on my iDisk onto my iPad for viewing?

The easier solution would be to get the camera connection kit and load your movies onto relatively cheap SD cards:
Thanks everyone, good tips all. I am talking about a full movie, ripped with handbrake, so we're talking about a gig. I can stream it ok from the iDisk, which is cool, but I'd like to have the ability to store download it to the iPad for offline viewing (like on an airplane). Airshare HD sounds close, but it's not clear whether the app can also play the movie?

The camera connector kit sounds appealing, I'm just nervous that since it isn't officially supported, apple with break it in a future release.

The camera connector kit sounds appealing, I'm just nervous that since it isn't officially supported, apple with break it in a future release.

In the Apple world, there's unsupported and there's "unsupported." In this instance it's a function of the camera kit that Apple doesn't intend to exploit, however it's not one that they would render unusable. The DCIM (Digital Camera IMages) folder on an SD card is the location where images and videos are normally stored, including video clips you shoot with your digital camera.
use Air Video app for streaming movie files stored on your Mac, across the network

or for offline use, Camera Connection Kit plus either USB flash drive or SD Card. Just store your movies in a folder named "DCIM" on the flash drive or card and the iPad will see them in the Import screen of the Photos app.
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