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it doesn't work the way I expected.

You launch the jailbreak app and then it gives you a choice to import text from following apps: SMS, NOTES, EMAILS or Regular files. So basically you have to launch the copy/paste app to go through your SMS, notes, emails or regular files, you can't go directly to your SMS, notes, emails and copy what you want to copy. I was disappointed because the main thing I wanted is to copy text directly from the apps esecially SAFARI! But still, this helps a lot if I want to copy an email to my notes or sms. :p
I would actually use this if it included the two apps I need it most for - maps and safari. My primary need for copy/paste it to grab addresses from the web and put them into google maps. Or, to copy a non-hyperlinked url found in safari to paste into the safari location bar. Or to copy an address from an email into maps. This app is a good start, but without at least safari capability, I can't see anyone really using it much.
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