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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 9, 2006
I have recently moved from a 20 history with Microsoft that started with MS-Dos 2.11 to a Mac Pro and OS X.

On my Windows platforms I was always able to highlight and copy text with pictures from a web page and paste them into a Word document. So far I have been unable to accomplish that with Word from Mac Office 2004, NeoOffice, TextEdit, or Pages. With each of these programs the text copies and pastes but not the pictures.

Is there a different method on the Mac platform to accomplish this, other that Highlight, Copy and Paste that I am doing now?

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

This is something that has come up before once or twice. I'm not sure that there's a great solution. The problem, as far as I know, is on the copy side and not the paste side -- neither FF/Mac nor Safari seem to copy in the graphical content.

Can you say more about what you want to accomplish at a deeper level? I'm asking because I've never really wanted to do this before, and so if I understood what you wanted to get out of it, there might be alternatives.

For instance, if you're trying to save pages, you might just make PDFs. If you want to incorporate content from web page templates, you might save the HTML files and then import the entire web page into Word. And so on.
Wow that was quick. What I am generally trying to do is copy tutorials or procedures that some places on a forum. For instance, I frequent a lot of photography forums and and when some posts a "How-to" of some technique with text and pictures or diagrams I like to make a copy to my hard drive as a Word document for editing and printing or later review in detail. Does that help?


Mmmm, I'm not sure how to solve that, but I'd suggest starting with just saving them as PDF files. If you just throw them all in a folder, you can use Spotlight to find them also. :)
If you really need the tutorials in Word with pictures and text, you can individually drag the pictures to Word. Rather annoying if you've got lots of pictures though.

I just tried doing this with Word and Pages (iWork) - had the same problem as you with Word, but Pages copied the pictures and text using the highlight, copy, paste method you described. Formatting is still way off, but you can't expect too much relying on the clipboard to translate html to a word processor... So this method could work if you have Pages.

Saving as PDFs is the way to go if you want to maintain the exact look of the tutorials, but sacrifice editing. If you really need to be able to edit the pages later, I'd save them as webarchive files (save as...), then edit the text using SubEthaEdit.
Thanks to all who have responded. I tried again on a different web page than I had before and Pages did indeed make the capture but the formatting with text around the puictures was lost.

Just a little frustrating, if wintel can do it I would have thought the Mac could as well. Perhaps in a future version.

I don't know if this works, but dragging a picture to your desktop saves it, so maybe you can drag it to a Word doc?

edit: Yep, it works.

edit: I see this has already been suggested. Nvm me then.
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