What I don't understand is why someone can't make a SBsettings app similar to the Fast Notes or whatever its called. Something where you slide, pulls up the menu, you hit copy text.. it takes all the text on the page, puts it into a magicpad like app, and lets you select what you want.. then you close the menu, go where you want to paste it, and pull the menu up in the same way, paste it, and be done.
I love how SB Settings runs overtop everything else.. that is exactly how i think a lot of apps should run.. imagine being able to pull up 'Text' overtop of another app in order to quickly reply to someone, and get back to what you were doing. obviously the feasibility of some of these types of applications are beyond the capability of the device (ie. two apps running at the same time) but still the ability of SB settings to pull it up anywhere is incredibly useful.