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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2003
How do I copy contents from a DVD media to my hard-drive? It seems like some data is hidden if I try opening finder and selecting all of it. Thanks in advance.
Are you trying to copy the contents of a DVD to hard disk or trying to copy the contents of a DVD to hard disk so that you can play it without the DVD? If it's the latter case, I use a program called OSEx which creates a disk image of the DVD that can be mounted and played. You can get it here.
Versello said:
How do I copy contents from a DVD media to my hard-drive? It seems like some data is hidden if I try opening finder and selecting all of it. Thanks in advance.

0Sex is one method, I prefer DVD Backup as it creates a Video_TS folder which can be burnt to DVD (requires a few additional steps).

Another is MacTheRipper, a GUI wrapper for DVD Backup. I have yet to see the merit in using MacTheRipper over DVD Backup.
Once you have the Video_TS directory, which I have done, no problem, how do I go about burning it?
newt2mac said:
Once you have the Video_TS directory, which I have done, no problem, how do I go about burning it?

Make sure the video_ts folder will fit on a DVD-R (<4.7GB), then make an image of it and burn it in Disk Utility. That always works for me--and they play on set top boxes as well. A lot of people will suggest using Toast Titanium. That works too but it's an additional $99 and really isn't easier/better.
Horrortaxi said:
Make sure the video_ts folder will fit on a DVD-R (<4.7GB), then make an image of it and burn it in Disk Utility. That always works for me--and they play on set top boxes as well. A lot of people will suggest using Toast Titanium. That works too but it's an additional $99 and really isn't easier/better.

How do you make an image of it?

And what if it is > 4.7? I would need DVD2One right?
i use DVd2one when i need to

but sometimes., when you just want the widescreen version, and the disc has both, you can just remove the aspect ratio you dont need.. though sometimes it doesn't work properly, in toast, i would drag the entire video_ts folder, THEN remove it from the list in toast, otherwise i causes my players to go on recursive loops, and plays the same thing over and over.
burning Video_TS folders

here are the tools i use to rip DVDs.

step 1. DVDBackup (decrypt DVD to hard drive)

step 2. DVDRemaster (compress DVD to < 4.7 GB, most DVD's only hold 4.2 when all is said and done, thus i set my target size to 4200)

step 3. DVDImager (creates a burnable disk image, and removes all hidden files that will interfere with compatibility, drag new compressed Video_TS folder onto DVDImager, will create a disk image for you, NOTE: the disk image MUST contain all caps, no spaces i.e. LOTR_FELLOWSHIP_DISK_2)

step 4. DiskUtility (select the Images menu, select burn, locate your Disk Image, insert media, burn disk).

the only program you need to purchase is DVDRemaster ( for approx. $40. I've used both DVD2OneX and DVDRemaster, and prefer Metakine's for it's simplicity, GUI, and the fact it's a native cocoa app (not windows port).

DVDImager says it's for 10.2, but works fine on 10.3.

i hope this has been helpful for you (took me several wasted coasters to figure out the hidden file problem).
briankonar said:
here are the tools i use to rip DVDs.

step 1. DVDBackup (decrypt DVD to hard drive)

step 2. DVDRemaster (compress DVD to < 4.7 GB, most DVD's only hold 4.2 when all is said and done, thus i set my target size to 4200)

step 3. DVDImager (creates a burnable disk image, and removes all hidden files that will interfere with compatibility, drag new compressed Video_TS folder onto DVDImager, will create a disk image for you, NOTE: the disk image MUST contain all caps, no spaces i.e. LOTR_FELLOWSHIP_DISK_2)

step 4. DiskUtility (select the Images menu, select burn, locate your Disk Image, insert media, burn disk).

the only program you need to purchase is DVDRemaster ( for approx. $40. I've used both DVD2OneX and DVDRemaster, and prefer Metakine's for it's simplicity, GUI, and the fact it's a native cocoa app (not windows port).

DVDImager says it's for 10.2, but works fine on 10.3.

i hope this has been helpful for you (took me several wasted coasters to figure out the hidden file problem).

YOU DO NOT NEED TOAST!!! this app is overkill for burning DVD's, OS X comes with everything you need. people use Toast to remove hidden files (OS X is a pain with letting you do it manually) but DVDImager does this for free (although the GUI is ugly as hell and not the most intuitive interface, you'll see what I mean).

If you do NOT use DVD Imager, you will have to create the DVD Hierarchy yourself. There should be two folders at the root of the DVD, an AUDIO_TS (empty) and VIDEO_TS folder.

oops, my fault. sorry for double post.
It's not a movie that I'm trying to copy.

Say for instance, I wanted to make a backup copy of iLife '04 DVD. If I just select the contents in the DVD, and copy it to my HD, the installation won't run properly. :(
Versello said:
It's not a movie that I'm trying to copy.

Say for instance, I wanted to make a backup copy of iLife '04 DVD. If I just select the contents in the DVD, and copy it to my HD, the installation won't run properly. :(

2 options:

Ctrl + Click on it and select Copy. Then open your hard drive, select where you want to put it and Ctrl + Click Paste it.


open Disk Utility

Choose the DVD

Then click New Image

Now type the name, choose the location, and change the IMAGE FORMAT to CD/DVD Master

Then you're done. The Disk Utility method has worked best for me in backing up "Copy Protected" installation discs.


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krimson said:
i use DVd2one when i need to

but sometimes., when you just want the widescreen version, and the disc has both, you can just remove the aspect ratio you dont need..

I would really like to understand this option to manually remove the aspect ratio I don't need, as 50$ US for s/w is a bit steep for me. Any one able to elaborate, and provide an example?
briankonar said:
Another is MacTheRipper, a GUI wrapper for DVD Backup. I have yet to see the merit in using MacTheRipper over DVD Backup.

MacTheRipper allows backing up only the main feature, or individual "title sets" or "titles"
I've never used DVD Backup, but I found that MacTheRipper can successfully rip the AC3 tracks from a DVD-A, whereas 0SEx corrupts them.
really is better

Horrortaxi said:
Make sure the video_ts folder will fit on a DVD-R (<4.7GB), then make an image of it and burn it in Disk Utility. That always works for me--and they play on set top boxes as well. A lot of people will suggest using Toast Titanium. That works too but it's an additional $99 and really isn't easier/better.

As far as I can tell , I have discovered a reason why a product like Toast is better , protection from buffer underrun , and possibly a related reason is being able to choose the record speed.

Not that I am using Yamaha , but none of the coditions described in this good FAQ apply to me .

Of course , I would not be mentioning this if I had not just created a coaster because of this issue.
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