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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 29, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
I have cd's that have oldies on them (50's). I want to copy them to a new cd because the old cd's are scratched. Here's what happens: I put the music cd in and iTunes shows the list os tracks (exp: track 1 track 2) I also have Roxio Toast. I try to drag the song to Toast but they don't go. Plus when I remove the cd in order to put a new one in the songs go with the old cd. Please can someone help and tell me what to do. Thanks
Have you just tried burning the songs directly from iTunes?

Just hit "Import Disc" in the lower-right of the iTunes window. This will take all the songs of the CD. Next, create a new playlist in iTunes, and take the songs you just imported and drag them into that playlist. Now, put in a blank CD, and with the playlist selected, click "Burn Disc" in the lower-right.
but that will result in quality loss.... I haven't done this in so long, but I believe in the Finder you can just copy the .aiff files off of the disk, eject it, pop in a blank disk, drag the files onto the blank disk, and hit 'burn'.

Alternately, I think Toast has a 'duplicate' feature.
Have you imported other CDs into iTunes before? Have they had any problems doing so?

(If you're new to importing CDs to iTunes, there's a tutorial on how to import music here.)

But if the problem is with this individual CD, then it might be something else.
The songs imported great. I created a new playlist gave it a name. I went to drag the songs that were imported to it and the songs did not go. They dragged to it but did not go in. I never imported any tunes to iTunes before. I used a different OS before so I'm very new to this.
I used Toast to copy the disk. I got the following notice....

"Sorry but the cd info server couldn't find this album".

I have just gone nuts
I think if you have these songs and the original CD its perfectly fine to download the MP3 or OGG format (those are the best formats I am aware of) through some sort of file sharing program of the tracks that are skipping and burn them to the backup CD to preserve the music. There are also programs available to make it possible to copy scratched CDs on a mac or PC for a fee but require a small bit of audio editing work on the users part.
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