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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2017
My external HD is a exfat file format, when i try and copy from that to my MAC, it says 'cannot copy file, the file already exists'. But obviously it doesnt. copy to the HD is fine but not from the HD.

any suggestions or tips?



macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2015
ExFAT to HFS+ and HFS+ to ExFAT are supported in macOS and their behavior would be the same as HFS+<->HFS+ with regard to copying files in Finder. The message you are getting implies that the file by that name may already exists.. with that in mind it can mean one of two things.. 1. Indeed there is at least 1 file with a name conflict present in the destination drive/directory.. or 2. The destination drive is experiencing filesystem/disk errors(To fix run Disk First Aid).

Easiest way to both tell and get around #1 mentioned above, is to simply create a new folder at your desired drive location and copy the files to that location. If it works.. then it was a name or file conflict("a file by that name already exists), if it fails then the destination drive likely is experiencing an issue with either the filesystem or the components of the drive itself
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