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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 5, 2014

What policy does Apple have for storing and using mp3 files in an iPhone app? I don't want to do audio streaming, I want to have the mp3 files already inside the app's sandbox as resource files. Is this legal?

Use of a song (I assume you mean a song) is controlled by the copyright holder of that song. It is not legal to use without obtaining a license from the copyright holder. If it's a particular, copyrighted recording of a song you must also obtain a license to include that recording.

Your question is now, "How do I obtain licenses to include a song in an iOS app and how much will they cost?"
Yeah, I meant an mp3 song. It's pretty clear now, I have to obtain a license for using the song. I assume it is the same for videos, isn't it?

I guess how to obtain the license is subject for another topic, thanks for the answer!
Use of a song (I assume you mean a song) is controlled by the copyright holder of that song. It is not legal to use without obtaining a license from the copyright holder. If it's a particular, copyrighted recording of a song you must also obtain a license to include that recording.

Your question is now, "How do I obtain licenses to include a song in an iOS app and how much will they cost?"

Brian, that's *exactly* my question. I'd like to include part of a tune from an old Mitch Miller and the Gang TV show in an app I'm working on but don't have a clue how to obtain a license etc. If you know have any pointers they'd be much appreciated.

Brian, that's *exactly* my question. I'd like to include part of a tune from an old Mitch Miller and the Gang TV show in an app I'm working on but don't have a clue how to obtain a license etc. If you know have any pointers they'd be much appreciated.


First, visit the ASCAP and BMI websites to see which one of those controls the song itself. Then call the one that does to get a good explanation on what you need to do.

As for that TV show version, you'll either have to get licensing from the owner of the show (it originally aired on NBC) or get licensing to use a record release version (if it's suitable AND exists) from whomever owns that master. Do whichever turns out to be cheaper and/or easier.

A quick search led to this on IMDB:

Looks like "All American Features, Inc." is where you should start to look for the Mitch Miller version from the TV show itself.
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