good to know
good to know that there are some people who have used corsair and had success. on the corsair "ram module selector" site there is nothing but 3 bad reveiws from people who have had crappy ram freeze their system. I thought that was the only one guaranteed compatible for my (macbook unibody) system so I bought it anyway, hoping to get lucky. It is in the mail now.
Then of course I found the ram module selector on the crucial site - looked up my ram and there's like 50 good reviews from people who are shockingly happy. I even sorted it by "lowest rating first" - there was only one person who had to send his back for a new pair, then it was fine.
And another note: the crucial ram set is like two thirds the price of corsair set. I am buying the kit of 2 x 2gb PC3-8500.
If i'd been fully informed before, I would have purchased the crucial set, because it is cheaper AND seems to have better success rate. But for now, I will wait for my corsair modules to arrive in the mail, and post my review when I've used them for a couple of days.