I was just browsing the net, when I came across a deal hosted by
AmstelLight, for a free copy of Anthony Bourdains book, The Nasty Bits.
He's a great author, so I thought, hey why not get a free copy..
Went to the site:
- Turns out the free book offer is open to ANYONE in the US...
EXCEPT california residents... how bizzarre I thought to myself..
looked at who was hosting the offer, low and behold.. Microsoft (MSN).
- Could it be that Mr. Bill up there in Washington,
thought he could stick it to Apple, and their state of support,
by not letting them play in any of their reindeer (freebookoffer) games?
And for some icing on the cake.. how about this artcle about MSN's
free googlearth ripoff.. doesn't even agknowledge Apples headquarters..
Coincidence...? I think not...
although I couldn't get their VirtualEarth to load... might be down... even more fishy.
- Props to anyone who lives outside of CA, enjoys the books of Anthony Bourdain,
and can sleep at night, knowing they only encouraged this sort of behavior.
AmstelLight, for a free copy of Anthony Bourdains book, The Nasty Bits.
He's a great author, so I thought, hey why not get a free copy..
Went to the site:
- Turns out the free book offer is open to ANYONE in the US...
EXCEPT california residents... how bizzarre I thought to myself..
looked at who was hosting the offer, low and behold.. Microsoft (MSN).
- Could it be that Mr. Bill up there in Washington,
thought he could stick it to Apple, and their state of support,
by not letting them play in any of their reindeer (freebookoffer) games?
And for some icing on the cake.. how about this artcle about MSN's
free googlearth ripoff.. doesn't even agknowledge Apples headquarters..
Coincidence...? I think not...
although I couldn't get their VirtualEarth to load... might be down... even more fishy.
- Props to anyone who lives outside of CA, enjoys the books of Anthony Bourdain,
and can sleep at night, knowing they only encouraged this sort of behavior.