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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 2, 2007
Today I downgraded my UK iPhone, jailbroke, installed, used that to install oktoprep, then upgraded my iPhone.

I did this to jailbreak 1.1.2, but when I ran conceited's jailbreaker the executable said "jailbreak.jar could not be accessed" and nothing happened.

SMS worked, wifi worked, I could connect to the O2 network, but later on I tried using EDGE and I got "Could not activate EDGE".

So I restored my iPhone to factory settings and... still got "Could not activate EDGE".

What does this mean? Is it necessarily related to the jailbreaking? Can I fix this or is it just coverage or something at O2s end?

EDIT: After much fiddling around and many restores, the only thing that managed to work was by restoring to factory network settings directly on the iPhone, this resyncs it with O2, which you cannot do manually now the EDGE menu has been removed.
This has nothing to do with jailbreaking. EDGE is related to the data plan of your mobile provider. If you can't get a WIFI (yours or an unsecured one) connection, and you don't have a data plan you will get the "Could not activate EDGE" message. stop worrying and enjoy your phone.
I have the same problem - I tried doing a reset network settings on the iPhone to no avail. What setting got restored in your edge menu? APN, username and password?


I have the same problem but I never Jailbroke my phone.

The only thing that I did was use iToner to install one ring tone. Strange.
Thanks for the tips guys :) Got my edge/gprs back after jailbreaking :)
hi can any body tell me how to use iphone i bought it in hong kong and nothing on it in ireland it sucks.and im usless with this stuff so if any one can tell me an easy way to get my email or use the net two that would be great thanks
hi can any body tell me how to use iphone i bought it in hong kong and nothing on it in ireland it sucks.and im usless with this stuff so if any one can tell me an easy way to get my email or use the net two that would be great thanks

OK, assuming you mean it when you say you're useless:

- the phone from Hong Kong should not be locked
- have you put a valid Irish SIM card into the phone, one that is working on another phone?
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