Today I downgraded my UK iPhone, jailbroke, installed, used that to install oktoprep, then upgraded my iPhone.
I did this to jailbreak 1.1.2, but when I ran conceited's jailbreaker the executable said "jailbreak.jar could not be accessed" and nothing happened.
SMS worked, wifi worked, I could connect to the O2 network, but later on I tried using EDGE and I got "Could not activate EDGE".
So I restored my iPhone to factory settings and... still got "Could not activate EDGE".
What does this mean? Is it necessarily related to the jailbreaking? Can I fix this or is it just coverage or something at O2s end?
EDIT: After much fiddling around and many restores, the only thing that managed to work was by restoring to factory network settings directly on the iPhone, this resyncs it with O2, which you cannot do manually now the EDGE menu has been removed.
I did this to jailbreak 1.1.2, but when I ran conceited's jailbreaker the executable said "jailbreak.jar could not be accessed" and nothing happened.
SMS worked, wifi worked, I could connect to the O2 network, but later on I tried using EDGE and I got "Could not activate EDGE".
So I restored my iPhone to factory settings and... still got "Could not activate EDGE".
What does this mean? Is it necessarily related to the jailbreaking? Can I fix this or is it just coverage or something at O2s end?
EDIT: After much fiddling around and many restores, the only thing that managed to work was by restoring to factory network settings directly on the iPhone, this resyncs it with O2, which you cannot do manually now the EDGE menu has been removed.