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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 26, 2010
Brighton, UK
Twice I've tried downloading the new Wired digital edition - 330-odd MB - and it's clunkily downloaded then lot, then got to installing, and failed a short way in.

I thought it might be a space problem - so I deleted a movie and general/about shows 3 GB free. Which is surely enough to do whatever work the app needs to do to install, right?

So my question is, is that 3 GB really free? Or do I need to restart/clear space via sync in order to actually make room?
Twice I've tried downloading the new Wired digital edition - 330-odd MB - and it's clunkily downloaded then lot, then got to installing, and failed a short way in.

I thought it might be a space problem - so I deleted a movie and general/about shows 3 GB free. Which is surely enough to do whatever work the app needs to do to install, right?

So my question is, is that 3 GB really free? Or do I need to restart/clear space via sync in order to actually make room?

I'm also having trouble just trying to download the June edition using the updated WiRED app. I'm guessing the servers are just overwhelmed right now.
Does anyone know how to delete a previous issue of the magazine?

No, but I did notice that the last issue had a Download button beneath it - I think the update automatically deleted the previous issue (this time at least).

When I downloaded the smaller preview issue, there was no apparent delete button by that...


Downloaded and installed successfully this eve. I did a restart of my iPad, and also didn't pause the download or let it sleep this time...

[update 2]

Wow. This is getting really good. I think Wired may have just about cracked the digital publications thing. Cheap, high quality, designed for the iPad screen, good content - it's really great stuff. I highly recommend it to you iPad users. The only slight niggle is that it's still inconsistent when there's more to read down the page rather than across, especially in ads.
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